Friday, June 04, 2004 bites the dust
Alas, another Jewish site built on the premise to 'hock' against the 'yeshivishe' crowd,, caved into pressure from numerous Yeshivahs and organizations to cease and desist from operating its website. I guess somebody was saying 'velamalshinim' with a lot of kavana. you will be forgotten but never missed. All the best in all your future endeavors, now go back to Yeshivah and learn something.
Link to whatever is left of
Alas, another Jewish site built on the premise to 'hock' against the 'yeshivishe' crowd,, caved into pressure from numerous Yeshivahs and organizations to cease and desist from operating its website. I guess somebody was saying 'velamalshinim' with a lot of kavana. you will be forgotten but never missed. All the best in all your future endeavors, now go back to Yeshivah and learn something.
Link to whatever is left of

I'm sorry you had to deal with people actually vocalizing their disgust for people like you. the people that ran that website knew the meaning of "derech eretz kadma latorah".... something you can only wish for. oh and by the way, the moetzes that you hold so dear to your black little heart?... the ones you're probably so hurt to see being bashed on the site..... 'assured' the internet. so get off the the computer and go learn.
who ever you are that was part of meeyus dot coms point. these yeshivisha ppl cant take critism and when its out there they will use whatever it takes to shut the ppl up instead of trying to better themselves and learn from ppl critism.
What a crock these yeshivas and most ppl associated.
BTW my english suck b-c i got my "education in yeshiva"
What a crock these yeshivas and most ppl associated.
BTW my english suck b-c i got my "education in yeshiva"
incredible how the same people who getting all farshvitzed about the new succah at shomer shabbos and get practically go bald at the thought of the shoimrim aprehending to female shoplifters are the ones excited to see meeyus go. well for those who think that meeyus "caved into pressure from numerous yeshivos" as someone who knows neumerous fans of that site let me just say YOU GUYS SUCK bring back meeyus
The "raid" is, is making a comeback. "You ain't seen nuthin' yet" insiders are reported to have said...
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