Sunday, June 20, 2004
Shatnez in your Honda Accord
Yep, that's right, according to a Mashgiach for the Orthodox Union, OU, the 2004 Honda Accord with material seats are made with Shatnez materials. Anybody who drives this specific car should consult their Rabbi before using it any further. NO, this is not a hoax!
Yep, that's right, according to a Mashgiach for the Orthodox Union, OU, the 2004 Honda Accord with material seats are made with Shatnez materials. Anybody who drives this specific car should consult their Rabbi before using it any further. NO, this is not a hoax!

Why would it be a problem in that car only? If this was found, then there must be a problem with other cars! How did they find this out? We should have to check our cars for Shatnez from now on if this is a remote possibilty. Any comments or responses greatly appreciated.
Shulchan Aruch YD 301:1. Even if there are ten sheets stacked on top of each other, and the bottom one is shaatnez, it is forbidden to sit on the stack.
I have a few questions:
1)Is this only for Honda Accord or other cars as well?
2)Why when I called the OU did they say that they have no idea what I am talking about?
3)Is this a joke or not? If yes it is really disgusting to make such crude jokes!!!!!!!!!!!
1)Is this only for Honda Accord or other cars as well?
2)Why when I called the OU did they say that they have no idea what I am talking about?
3)Is this a joke or not? If yes it is really disgusting to make such crude jokes!!!!!!!!!!!
I have just bought a honda accord 2004 in Yerushalaim Israel. Does anyone know if its the same manafacturer over here or if there is any recent update about this issue? please email me with any relevent info to . thanx
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