
Monday, November 22, 2004

Man gets caught passing off counterfeit hundred dollar bills

A man was caught in Boro-Park after he went from store to store purchasing small items with counterfeit one hundred dollar bills. The man was discovered by the owner of the liquor store on 55th street and 13th avenue and tried to flee with a car service. The man was stopped and blocked in the car by passersby. Shomrim were quickly called to the scene and kept an eye on the man. The police were called and showed after a half hour of waiting around. After speaking to the man briefly the police let the man go without even interviewing any witnesses. The crowd being totally outraged by the horrible injustice blocked the car only to be chased away by the police. Only after the police had left were a few people able to confront the counterfeiting thief and ask that the money be returned. The man seeing he had no choice but to comply, took a wad of twenties out of his pocket and handed them over to a Shomrim member and swore that was all he had stolen. He also returned a cordless phone that he had stolen from Eagle's electronics. The man was warned to never try such a stunt in the neighborhood again.



Why call the cops? Shoulda called the Secret Service who are in charge of counterfeiting cases. They woulda showed up in 2 minutes with cars that'd make some hatzolah guys swoon.




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