Thursday, January 27, 2005
Lipa makes illegal left turn b'derech
Lipa Schmeltzer was seen making an illegal left turn in Boro-Park from New Utrecht Avenue onto 55th Street. While approaching 55th Street from the higher number Streets on New Utrecht Avenue there is a "No Turns" sign. Lipa, obviously oblivious to the sign, started beeping at the pedestrians trying to cross and proceeded to attempt a left turn. After being stopped by someone pointing to the sign, Lipa rolled down his window, looked at the man and then at the sign, exclaimed a big "OH!" and kept on driving through.
Lipa Schmeltzer was seen making an illegal left turn in Boro-Park from New Utrecht Avenue onto 55th Street. While approaching 55th Street from the higher number Streets on New Utrecht Avenue there is a "No Turns" sign. Lipa, obviously oblivious to the sign, started beeping at the pedestrians trying to cross and proceeded to attempt a left turn. After being stopped by someone pointing to the sign, Lipa rolled down his window, looked at the man and then at the sign, exclaimed a big "OH!" and kept on driving through.

Lashon Harah
Lamed Heh
Go To Hell The Easy Way!
Who really cares that Lipa Schmeltzer didn't see a sign a made a wrong turn?
You've never mad a mistake. Don't be so petty!
Lamed Heh
Go To Hell The Easy Way!
Who really cares that Lipa Schmeltzer didn't see a sign a made a wrong turn?
You've never mad a mistake. Don't be so petty!
As long as Lipa himself is not moving toward the Left. How funny would he look davening in the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale?
The last comment was totaly uncalled for. It is Loshan Horah on a Klal that does tremendous good. Leave Lipa alone. If in fact such as you say happened, "SHOCKING DISCLOSURE" he's realy HUMAN!!
"The cops should fine him GELT - two hundred dollars GELT - then a few points on his licence should be surely felt!"
This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen on the internet-and I think google is reporting over 8 billion web pages. Get a life!
I think this is real crazy.......trying to have a site with comments like one o'those movie stars!!!!Don't ya guys have what to do?! GO HAVE A LIFE!!
because he is lipa schmeltzer dosent mean that he is god alone .he is a person like me and you .every one does wrong turns.because we are jewish.he sings like a goy (like a real rapper)but he is jewish.
Lipa is a cool. We should not talk loshon hara about Jewish music singers. isn't talking gossip about singers considered "following customs of the nations"?
So what, he made a wrong turn?
many "religious" people do many wrong thinks. They still human.
Lipa is the coolest funny kosher boy.
many "religious" people do many wrong thinks. They still human.
Lipa is the coolest funny kosher boy.
you people dot understand any thing he is a wonderful chaddics singer with many talents just because he sings strange songs he is a good jew a tzaddik i know him personaly.
lashon hara oiy gevalt we are yidden ot loshen hara speakers do you even know the man so stop at vonce and go do something good instead of something bad. yidden are dying every day mabe this is the reason maybe?
ps. i like the latest entry.
ps. i like the latest entry.
And the purpose of your loshon horoh is? Dahn L'Kaf Zechus. Find something more productive to do with your time
to all of us who are even bothering to post a comment on this site, I think we got to be checked out emergency
Well well well, I guess the guy that saw him making the left turn, wished the left turn was in him, because he knows what LIPA really likes, And Oh yeah, with that "LIPA BADERECH" I WONDER WHAT WAY HE REALLY REFFERED TOO, Does he like when he is on the way to do the "LEFT TURNS" Lipa Lipa I have heard that some guys have a crush on you, about the girls, Welll hmmm... ill have the say the ones i saw that liked you were pretty darn ugly, comon get a life, cant you act normal once and for all, will you loss your status or are you afraid you wont be called "meshigener"? OHHHHHH AND ONE MORE THING STOP SPENDING SO MUCH MONEY ON THE GALSSES AT LEAST SPEND IT ON YOUR TEETH IT MIGHT GIVE YOU A BETTER IMAGE,
Well well well, I guess the guy that saw him making the left turn, wished the left turn was in him, because he knows what LIPA really likes, And Oh yeah, with that "LIPA BADERECH" I WONDER WHAT WAY HE REALLY REFFERED TOO, Does he like when he is on the way to do the "LEFT TURNS" Lipa Lipa I have heard that some guys have a crush on you, about the girls, Welll hmmm... ill have the say the ones i saw that liked you were pretty darn ugly, comon get a life, cant you act normal once and for all, will you loss your status or are you afraid you wont be called "meshigener"? OHHHHHH AND ONE MORE THING STOP SPENDING SO MUCH MONEY ON THE GALSSES AT LEAST SPEND IT ON YOUR TEETH IT MIGHT GIVE YOU A BETTER IMAGE,
what is the big deal? why would you bring this up?
Anyway i love his music, lipa schmeltzer i was just listening to Jewish and I heard one of his songs and i just purchased it at Lipa Schmeltzer on
then i did a search for lipa on google and this came up first. All I have to say is lipa keep up the good work, Reviving Jewish Music, is not an easy task, from a new Lipa fan. i previewed a few songs and they are all super.
Anyway i love his music, lipa schmeltzer i was just listening to Jewish and I heard one of his songs and i just purchased it at Lipa Schmeltzer on
then i did a search for lipa on google and this came up first. All I have to say is lipa keep up the good work, Reviving Jewish Music, is not an easy task, from a new Lipa fan. i previewed a few songs and they are all super.
Just want to tell the people out who have complaints against Lipa- you are so jealous, it screams. Go worry about your own lives and your own kashrus; i'm sure you haven't been 100% kosher in all you do...... Looking to find faults in Lipa? Well, guess what? Unwittingly, you pinpoint your own faults and let the world at large know them. SO, take a chill pill, and maybe, just maybe, if we were a bit kinder to one another in klal yisroel, perhaps we can avoid the terrible calamities that come upon us daily. Gives you something to thing about, hmmm? And to Lipa- your music is great and i'm sure you have all the right intentions. We are not in the position to judge anyone. Yechee!
okay, let's not lose ourselves. you don't love him. Don't degrade yourself like that. You may enjoy his music and/or charimatic personality, but you don't love HIM. Chill.
This is the problem with the internet:
The loshon hara that was written on this page and many other pages, aside from all the other content that shouldn't be there. Get a life all of you!
P.S. My site is :
The loshon hara that was written on this page and many other pages, aside from all the other content that shouldn't be there. Get a life all of you!
P.S. My site is :
you ya you ya you nevermade a mistake why shouldnt we post the
or the LOSHON HOROH YOU SAID LAAT YEAR WICH IS STILL ON[but since its loshon horoh we wont were not like you..................]
or the LOSHON HOROH YOU SAID LAAT YEAR WICH IS STILL ON[but since its loshon horoh we wont were not like you..................]
You have to hear how Lipa calls a guy who won $10,000 in Oorah's Chinese Auction!
Oorah put the real phone conversation on their site: Lipa
Schmeltzer Clips
Oorah put the real phone conversation on their site: Lipa
Schmeltzer Clips
LIPA We Love You
LIPA We Love You
Lipa Lipa Lipa........ there is no words what to say on this person !starting whith that he is a chasidishah yungerman whith his varemkeit what he has, whith his tzedokah what he gives, running around in hospitals 24/7 if it is in middle of the night, an hour before the zman (shabbos or yom tov)ets.or stam just Mechaya zan people whith a good vort, a breitah git morgen dosnt mater if hes chassidish, litfish,yerushalmy,ets. olways smilling .I MEEN ITS NOT SHIECH & of corse lets not forget 2nd to the best BADCHEN in town your the best."ashrei chelkoch"
Chaptzem, your comments on other people are uncalled for. This is not the National Enquirer or some other such goyishe loshon horah shmutz newspaper. Get A Life! Lipa is a wonderful person. I don't know him at all, but I like his songs and his gemilus Chasodim. He sang for someone I know in her home because she is bedridden and very ill. It really cheered her up. So don't post any more such garbage please.
oy...s'iz git tzi lachen!!
I found this website and have been laughing so hard. I called all my siblings and had them reading and lauging along. Thanks for the oppurtunity to laugh. May Hashem give us only things to smile about. Lipa, you are a great singer!
I found this website and have been laughing so hard. I called all my siblings and had them reading and lauging along. Thanks for the oppurtunity to laugh. May Hashem give us only things to smile about. Lipa, you are a great singer!
only lipa would make a left turn when there's a "no turns" sign! I'm sure he did it this time just for the adventure .
Have the Litvish and Hassidic Gedolim forgotten where their holy music came from. Are they so blind to the fact that Jewish music stems from Western/Eastern European surroundings hundreds of years ago. To believe that Jewish music stems from the Temple times is ridiculous. Ask yourself why Sephardi music is so different than Ashkenazi music. It sounds very middle eastern/arabic. Should we shun Sephardic music in attempt to show that Ashkenazim genuinely have Jewish music. Have you heard Yemenite music? I would think that has to be the most genuine out there. Maybe people need to get off their high horse and realize that as Jews we take quite a bit from the non-Jewish culture including music. And over time it becomes integrated. In fact, there are probably tunes that have a lot of similarities to classical pieces such as Beethoven's 9th Symphony.
With so much disillusionment of Chassidic youth, you would think Lipa is a breath of fresh air to give these kids a little bit of self-esteem. It's not easy being Jewish. Some times it's a little stuffy.
Lipa needs to keep doing what he's doing.
Not to mention Matisyahu hardly got any condemnation for his music.
With so much disillusionment of Chassidic youth, you would think Lipa is a breath of fresh air to give these kids a little bit of self-esteem. It's not easy being Jewish. Some times it's a little stuffy.
Lipa needs to keep doing what he's doing.
Not to mention Matisyahu hardly got any condemnation for his music.
to anon on HIR: I have davened many times at HIR while living in Riverdale for 2 years. Rav Avi has had no problem inviting anyone like Lipa to daven for the amud. In fact, the congregation would most welcome it.
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