Sunday, February 13, 2005
Non-Glatt Kosher meat sold as Glatt Kosher
The Flatbush takeout and catering establishment Kosher Spot has been closed down due to claims that they had been repackaging non-Glatt Kosher meats as Glatt Kosher and selling them to stores. The story broke as Rubashkin found that Kosher Spot was selling more Glatt Kosher meat than he had purchased from them. The Viener Dayin of Boro-Park, Rabbi Tzvi Halpern, has issued that meats purchased from either Paperrific or Kosher Supermarket at both their locations in Boro-Park should not be eaten. Well at least we paid for Glatt Kosher.
The Flatbush takeout and catering establishment Kosher Spot has been closed down due to claims that they had been repackaging non-Glatt Kosher meats as Glatt Kosher and selling them to stores. The story broke as Rubashkin found that Kosher Spot was selling more Glatt Kosher meat than he had purchased from them. The Viener Dayin of Boro-Park, Rabbi Tzvi Halpern, has issued that meats purchased from either Paperrific or Kosher Supermarket at both their locations in Boro-Park should not be eaten. Well at least we paid for Glatt Kosher.

From Kosher Today:
Rabbis, Agencies in Urgent Effort to Protect Consumers from Kosher Meat Fraud
(Brooklyn, NY) Community rabbis and certification agencies are planning to meet soon to adopt measures to protect consumers from the type of fraud in glatt kosher meats that rocked the kosher community last week.
A major Flatbush retailer was forced to close after it was discovered that "kosher" flanken was repackaged and mislabeled as "glatt kosher." Sources say that glatt kosher flanken were in extremely short supply of late. In ads and flyers distributed throughout the Brooklyn communities of Crown Heights, Boro Park, and Flatbush, the Kehilah Kashrus agency of Flatbush, advised consumers of a "recall" of kosher meats purchased at the kosher takeout store prior to February 1 st.
Sources told Kosher Today that the mislabeled meats were also distributed by the Flatbush retailer to at least three other stores in the heavily populated Orthodox Jewish communities of Brooklyn. The meat was traced to AgriProcessors of Postville, Iowa who sold the meat to a New York distributor who in turn sold the "kosher" (non-glatt kosher) meat to the Brooklyn store.
There is a market, albeit shrinking, for the "kosher" meat, which is substantially less costly than the glatt variety. Animals that are examined after slaughter and are found to have adhesions on the lungs are sold as kosher and not glatt kosher (smooth - no adhesions).
Amongst the recommendations that the rabbis are considering are tighter controls on the "middlemen" and requiring retailers that repackage kosher products to retain full time kosher supervisors.
Although urged not to use the meats, glatt kosher consumers were also told by most rabbis (with some notable exceptions) that they would not have to kosher pots, dishes, and flatware because the mislabeled products were kosher in any event.
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Rabbis, Agencies in Urgent Effort to Protect Consumers from Kosher Meat Fraud
(Brooklyn, NY) Community rabbis and certification agencies are planning to meet soon to adopt measures to protect consumers from the type of fraud in glatt kosher meats that rocked the kosher community last week.
A major Flatbush retailer was forced to close after it was discovered that "kosher" flanken was repackaged and mislabeled as "glatt kosher." Sources say that glatt kosher flanken were in extremely short supply of late. In ads and flyers distributed throughout the Brooklyn communities of Crown Heights, Boro Park, and Flatbush, the Kehilah Kashrus agency of Flatbush, advised consumers of a "recall" of kosher meats purchased at the kosher takeout store prior to February 1 st.
Sources told Kosher Today that the mislabeled meats were also distributed by the Flatbush retailer to at least three other stores in the heavily populated Orthodox Jewish communities of Brooklyn. The meat was traced to AgriProcessors of Postville, Iowa who sold the meat to a New York distributor who in turn sold the "kosher" (non-glatt kosher) meat to the Brooklyn store.
There is a market, albeit shrinking, for the "kosher" meat, which is substantially less costly than the glatt variety. Animals that are examined after slaughter and are found to have adhesions on the lungs are sold as kosher and not glatt kosher (smooth - no adhesions).
Amongst the recommendations that the rabbis are considering are tighter controls on the "middlemen" and requiring retailers that repackage kosher products to retain full time kosher supervisors.
Although urged not to use the meats, glatt kosher consumers were also told by most rabbis (with some notable exceptions) that they would not have to kosher pots, dishes, and flatware because the mislabeled products were kosher in any event.