
Sunday, May 22, 2005

R' Zalmen Leib slated to open new girl's school

R' Zalmen Leib is slated to open a new girl's school in Boro-Park. Being that the current Satmar girl's school is mostly R' Aron's people, R' Zalmen Leib found it necessary to open his own girl's school.

Kash.Kovod.Kontrol thats what its all about


if there can be a melbourne rebbe a bostoner rebbe a pittsburger rebbe which are new created dynasties, then why cant there be satmar "A" and satmar "Z" bobov "A" and bobov "B" from the pictures i've seen lately there is enough chassids to go around.


the diffrent is that "a" stays by "a" = and "z" is going all the way untill "z"


is knee sockes and shirtskirt ok there


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