
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

R' Mordche Dovid blasts web-sites for spreading Bobover Loshon Horah

R' Mordche Dovid spoke out against the rash of web-sites lately that are spreading Loshon Horoh and Rechiles about Bobov. He asked his Chasidim to stay far away from these things and not to participate in it. I'm sure he wasn't talking about the Chaptzem Blog!

moron,if what you are doing is wrong of course people are going to wright against you


you forgot Krap


How about staying away from Machlokes. What's the difference. Hypocrite.

He needs to wake up and start realizing that his fantasies are just that. Just because he has followers doesn't prove anything. Korach also had followers, and they went down with him.


korachs middle nama was bz halberstam


i knew it!!!!! ungar is the cynic!!!!


are you serious????!!!!!
He wasn't talking about the "CHAPTEM BLOG"???
think about it......Maybe he WAS?????


he was talking about every normal site, b/c eavrybody normall knows he is full of bs


Are you sure R' MD and R' BZ aren't reading this blog (and others) to see what the "word on the street" is?


u seem to be reporting all the bobover news so y arn't u reporting that rb"z won the camps in beis din??


eat chreft unger


chaptzem is a bobov blog they are fighting over control of the blog.


cynic said...
two wrights dont make a wrong.
they make rebbes who are members of the KKK

shmok you can't spell where did you go to school Satmar


all you people involved in this stupid senseless machloikes are a bunch of bored sods. its a disgrace that yidden are acting like this.


were and when did he say it?

i am not a bobover but as most of boro park i think highly of r md


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