
Monday, October 31, 2005

Finally a really safe night for children

A curfew was in effect for sex offenders on Halloween night Monday.

Offenders were warned to be home by 3pm or immediately after work and parole officers made random phone calls and visits throughout the night to make sure sex offenders don't violate their parole.

There are 70 registered sex offenders in Monroe County. Across the state, sex offenders are being banned from Halloween activities. No costumes, masks or other disguises are allowed. Parole officers also checked to make sure they stay clear of any activity that could put children in danger.

"Halloween is a holiday for families and children,” said Tim Wolcott of the state Division of Parole. “It's about public safety. Our concerns relative to those we supervise revolve around those concepts."

Wolcott says he has no record that shows sex offenders become repeat offenders on Halloween night. He says that proves the safeguards are working. However, it is a concern for places like the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Child advocates remind parents to make safe choices on Halloween as well. Debra Ortiz-Pardi of the NCMEC explains, "It's important for parents when they bring their kids trick or treating to choose houses of neighbors and friends that they know. Go to well-lit houses."

Other tips include trick-or-treaters should never be alone when they approach a house. Children should not enter a house without prior permission and children should not approach any vehicles without permission.

Parents can map out specific houses in their area where sex offenders live by going to the Sex Offender Registry website.

I wonder if anyone noticed a difference in Boro-Park.




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