Friday, October 28, 2005
Pictures and video from the 200 man brall in Satmar on Yom Tov
Video news coverage
Video news coverage
As horrible a Chillul Hashem this whole process is generating which has a ripple effect way beyond the Satmar community, what is also distressing is the total silence from the rest of the frum community. Between Satmar, Bobov, Ponovich etc. (this behaviour is not the exclusive domain of Chassidim) it is no wonder that Moshiach hasn't come yet. What should happen immediately is for public fast days to be declared. We are truly a generation without any strong or moral leadership. All the Gedolom of the previous generation are rolling in their graves. This is a truly commentary on the whole frum community. Is it really a wonder that so many young people are disenchanted within the community and become "at risk" individuals? People have to wake up and stop comparing whse shtreimel, sheitel, or black hat is nicer. Start looking on the inside or we will continue down this slippery slope.
All of you speak a great truth. The question is this do these men who comitted this violent act against their brother really have reverence for G-d. The answer is NO. The fact that these two men who are brothers can't work for the benefit of their community indicates to me that they are spiritually diseased and are horribly arrogant. In the Prophecy of Malachi it discusses that in the End of Days G-d will reveal who is and is not righteous. In Zechariah it discusse that those who led Israel falsly will pay dearly. I really hope that these people wake up. I think this goes beyond streimels and bekeshes it comes down to WORSHIP OF ONESELF AND NOT OF G-D. It is the Blind and the sick leading the blind and the sick.May HaShem the Holy one of Israel Have mercy on us all.
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