Monday, December 26, 2005
BMG Kollel Yingerleit get new letter
All the yingerleit at the Kollel of Beth Medrash Govoha of Lakewood received a letter this week asking if they had a computer. This is not like the previous letter which was merely about internet. Every yingerman is required to fill out and sign the letter and return it immediately. If in fact a yingerman is in possession of a computer, he forfeits his full Kollel paycheck. Now here's a kler; what if the yingerman doesn't actually own a computer, but his father-in-law that is supporting him does? Is that considered being yoinek from tumah or not?
All the yingerleit at the Kollel of Beth Medrash Govoha of Lakewood received a letter this week asking if they had a computer. This is not like the previous letter which was merely about internet. Every yingerman is required to fill out and sign the letter and return it immediately. If in fact a yingerman is in possession of a computer, he forfeits his full Kollel paycheck. Now here's a kler; what if the yingerman doesn't actually own a computer, but his father-in-law that is supporting him does? Is that considered being yoinek from tumah or not?

This is getting too far!! Soon they are going to require every yungerman bring his bedikos to the rosh yeshiva, check his refrigerator for which hashgocho he eats!!
If they really wanted to accomplish something they would stop the leasing of brand new cars.
If they really wanted to accomplish something they would stop the leasing of brand new cars.
Just curious as to how makpid they are to the "kashrus" of some of the people that support them and as to how those monies were acquired
WOnder how much less their cash flow would be if they refused to accept monies from people that were defendants in large civil or criminal lawsuits or income tax evasion. Just wondering where the emes is in today's world.
I firmly believe that just like BMG refuses to give a kollel person his weekly check if he has internet in his house ,so to they should also refuse donations both small and large from big time rich and non rich Balley Batim who posses internet in thier homes . I guartentee you that most big time donators have internet not only for buissines but for pleasure too.
If BmG does take thier monies then it is quite obvious that BMG are a bunch of phony fake and frauds.
Take a look at Rabbi Efraim Wachsmans yeshiva of monsey, fundraising campaign which he had two week ago. Guess where he had it ? YES he had it on the INTERNET
Just for the record Rabbi Effy (IFFY) Wachsman was one of the main spearkers in lakewood to ban the internet , so go figure the chutzpah that he had to go fundraising on the internet.
If BmG does take thier monies then it is quite obvious that BMG are a bunch of phony fake and frauds.
Take a look at Rabbi Efraim Wachsmans yeshiva of monsey, fundraising campaign which he had two week ago. Guess where he had it ? YES he had it on the INTERNET
Just for the record Rabbi Effy (IFFY) Wachsman was one of the main spearkers in lakewood to ban the internet , so go figure the chutzpah that he had to go fundraising on the internet.
Anonymous said...
but for pleasure too.
What kind of pleasures?
December 26, 2005 1:42 PM
anything other then for buisiness purposess, is automatically for pleaSure . This seems to be BMG/ Lakewoods interpretation
but for pleasure too.
What kind of pleasures?
December 26, 2005 1:42 PM
anything other then for buisiness purposess, is automatically for pleaSure . This seems to be BMG/ Lakewoods interpretation
To all those who have been commenting on on *yeshiva orthodox blog, just be aware that most comments are left out.
its very pro bmg and he will NOT post yoiur comment if he doesnt feel like it.
May be CHAPSEM BLOG would be willing to accomodate to those of us who want to blog with out censorship.
its very pro bmg and he will NOT post yoiur comment if he doesnt feel like it.
May be CHAPSEM BLOG would be willing to accomodate to those of us who want to blog with out censorship.
"To all those who have been commenting on on *yeshiva orthodox blog, just be aware that most comments are left out.
its very pro bmg and he will NOT post yoiur comment if he doesnt feel like it.
May be CHAPSEM BLOG would be willing to accomodate to those of us who want to blog with out censorship. "
Post it here and state this is what got censored.
its very pro bmg and he will NOT post yoiur comment if he doesnt feel like it.
May be CHAPSEM BLOG would be willing to accomodate to those of us who want to blog with out censorship. "
Post it here and state this is what got censored.
Why dont you imbicle krum from birth idiots stop picking on good Jews be they chassidish,litvish,sfardish.As long as they are learning Torah and keeping G-ds mitvahs what are you so busy with knocking them.Do you have so many shortcomings that you feel guilty. Ther are plenty of heretical groups to knock like the reform,conservative and even many of the modern orthodox who compromise on yiddishkeit.Lets defend our true Chosem people.And that is only the ones who strive to grow in the ways of Torah. If America is alive today it is only because of Lakewood,willia,msburg,Boro park,crown heights,and areas where frum Jews upkeep our beautiful Torah.If a yeshiva wants its elite students to keep away from internet,lets praise them.Just because we are not on the level to learn Torah 10 hours a day doesnt mean we should not feel proud of such elite Jews.After all dont we all feel good when America or Israel has elite soldiers and units that defend our safety.So too these kollel heroes are defending us even more. And by supporting them be it financially or morally we get credit as well.Lets speak up for them because they are G-ds elite unit defending us throught their Torah learning and prayers.
My dear Heshy,
I believe that most people who blog on sites like this do support Kollel, learning, etc, etc. It's the nonsensical, hypocritical bans that BMG and others make that people oppose. There is no good reason to ban the Internet for Kollel families, nor is it the right of a yeshiva to interfere in families' private lives. Banning Internet for bochurim in dorms is one thing, banning it in people's homes is another altogether. Oh, and by the way, I don't think it's so nice to call other Jews imbeciles, krum from birth, and idiots. And you could spell a word correctly here and there.
I believe that most people who blog on sites like this do support Kollel, learning, etc, etc. It's the nonsensical, hypocritical bans that BMG and others make that people oppose. There is no good reason to ban the Internet for Kollel families, nor is it the right of a yeshiva to interfere in families' private lives. Banning Internet for bochurim in dorms is one thing, banning it in people's homes is another altogether. Oh, and by the way, I don't think it's so nice to call other Jews imbeciles, krum from birth, and idiots. And you could spell a word correctly here and there.
I think it is a very wise move to ban the internet from kollel people. For a kollel man to be successful he needs his wife to be on his spiritual level. One of the reasons the great Rabbis be they the old Satmer Rebbe and others supported frum girls schools was that the girls should be on a spiritual intelectual level with their husbands.Otherwise you would be left with a generation of young Torah scholars and very modernistic young women seeking a different lifestyle. In the olden days it was different.Girls learnth from their parents at home but today with an outside world ,girls must be fortified with haskofah in order to tackle the foolishness from the outside world.I have never donated to Lakewood but now that I see they are such beautiful wise Jews I am going to send them a hefty donation.They deserve it. Reading some of the blogs out here I see that some are not frum from birth but rather KRUM FROM BIRTH. Every week I get between 60 to 100 or more Shabbos guests.Once in a while I get one or two krum from birth individuals. ITS EASIER FOR ME TO DEAL WITH SECULAR JEWS THAN THESE NEGATIVE KRUM KOPS. It gives me great joy to see so many secular Jews of all ages slowly become frum yidden. One guest was a NY Times reporter who in 2 years became fully kosher and Shabbat observant.But the first thing I said was stop reading the Times. Write for them but dont read it.Where will I get my news. I replied from Hamodia daily.
I think it is a very wise move to ban the internet from kollel people. For a kollel man to be successful he needs his wife to be on his spiritual level. One of the reasons the great Rabbis be they the old Satmer Rebbe and others supported frum girls schools was that the girls should be on a spiritual intelectual level with their husbands.Otherwise you would be left with a generation of young Torah scholars and very modernistic young women seeking a different lifestyle. In the olden days it was different.Girls learnth from their parents at home but today with an outside world ,girls must be fortified with haskofah in order to tackle the foolishness from the outside world.I have never donated to Lakewood but now that I see they are such beautiful wise Jews I am going to send them a hefty donation.They deserve it. Reading some of the blogs out here I see that some are not frum from birth but rather KRUM FROM BIRTH. Every week I get between 60 to 100 or more Shabbos guests.Once in a while I get one or two krum from birth individuals. ITS EASIER FOR ME TO DEAL WITH SECULAR JEWS THAN THESE NEGATIVE KRUM KOPS. It gives me great joy to see so many secular Jews of all ages slowly become frum yidden. One guest was a NY Times reporter who in 2 years became fully kosher and Shabbat observant.But the first thing I said was stop reading the Times. Write for them but dont read it.Where will I get my news. I replied from Hamodia daily.
To all those who have been commenting on on *yeshiva orthodox blog, just be aware that most comments are left out.
its very pro bmg and he will NOT post yoiur comment if he doesnt feel like it.
May be CHAPSEM BLOG would be willing to accomodate to those of us who want to blog with out censorship.
Comment Credit ---This article posted by Anonymous : December 26, 2005 4:10 PM
"To all those who have been commenting on on *yeshiva orthodox blog, just be aware that most comments are left out.
its very pro bmg and he will NOT post yoiur comment if he doesnt feel like it.
May be CHAPSEM BLOG would be willing to accomodate to those of us who want to blog with out censorship. "
Post it here and state this is what got censored.
Comment Credit ---This article posted by Anonymous : December 26, 2005 4:38 PM
Mr Chapsem,
I wish it was that simple to post here what was deleted on YESHIVA ORTHODOXY , because they started censoring the comments before anyone can actually get to see it, and deleting them.
But we will try do do what we can and thanx for helping us stand up to our beliefs.
its very pro bmg and he will NOT post yoiur comment if he doesnt feel like it.
May be CHAPSEM BLOG would be willing to accomodate to those of us who want to blog with out censorship.
Comment Credit ---This article posted by Anonymous : December 26, 2005 4:10 PM
"To all those who have been commenting on on *yeshiva orthodox blog, just be aware that most comments are left out.
its very pro bmg and he will NOT post yoiur comment if he doesnt feel like it.
May be CHAPSEM BLOG would be willing to accomodate to those of us who want to blog with out censorship. "
Post it here and state this is what got censored.
Comment Credit ---This article posted by Anonymous : December 26, 2005 4:38 PM
Mr Chapsem,
I wish it was that simple to post here what was deleted on YESHIVA ORTHODOXY , because they started censoring the comments before anyone can actually get to see it, and deleting them.
But we will try do do what we can and thanx for helping us stand up to our beliefs.
This again is a sign of all the chitzoniyus of Lakewood.
A people that always have to call themselves "the ihr hatorah" - usually that means they are not that except in title.
They should all grow up.
A people that always have to call themselves "the ihr hatorah" - usually that means they are not that except in title.
They should all grow up.
To all those BMG people that have been blogging on YESHIVA ORTHODOXY.
If there is a plan to open up another sight that will cater to bmg comments with out censorship , then please post this new blog site here at chaptsem so we can all be mishtatef.
If there is a plan to open up another sight that will cater to bmg comments with out censorship , then please post this new blog site here at chaptsem so we can all be mishtatef.
I just got the reults of another informal survey in BMG and that is that The Rosh Yeshivas and mashgichim (LAKeWOOD) dont pay schar leemud from thier own pockets for thier children and they are cluless when it comes to working/money matters of the klall
Its no wonder that they are so insesitive in these areas, among others
Find me one upscale Rosh Yeshiva today that pays schar leemud or for that matter find me one R/y that is in major debt like some of us yungerliet/ ballebatim.
Its about time that the livishe rosh yeshivas learn from thier chassidisher counterparts and tell thos bums that hang aroung the codffe room all day to go out and get a job . The belzer just gave such a psak . its about time we open our eyes.
Its no wonder that they are so insesitive in these areas, among others
Find me one upscale Rosh Yeshiva today that pays schar leemud or for that matter find me one R/y that is in major debt like some of us yungerliet/ ballebatim.
Its about time that the livishe rosh yeshivas learn from thier chassidisher counterparts and tell thos bums that hang aroung the codffe room all day to go out and get a job . The belzer just gave such a psak . its about time we open our eyes.
As someone who rarely posts, I just couldn't help but notice the amount and what I notice to be intense responses to this event. Although Heshy makes a valid point for those in BMG who are sincere in their learning, I believe we all know people who are there to make their shidduch CV look good as well as married people serving out their post chassana sentences. I think my main point is: Why this public action to show how Kodesh BMG is. The sincere ones do not need it. Can someone help me out here? I smell a rat.
The sincere ones and i mean honestly sincere ones will not get affected by these blogs . Trust me on this
Let me clarify. When I mentioned in the previous post "public action" I meant what the Hanhala is doing with this Internet issue
Mr Chapsem,
I wish it was that simple to post here what was deleted on YESHIVA ORTHODOXY , because they started censoring the comments before anyone can actually get to see it, and deleting them.
But we will try do do what we can and thanx for helping us stand up to our beliefs
Standing up for you beliefs? Stop being such a drama queen. And why can't the people who were actually censored post what was censored? They should know.
I wish it was that simple to post here what was deleted on YESHIVA ORTHODOXY , because they started censoring the comments before anyone can actually get to see it, and deleting them.
But we will try do do what we can and thanx for helping us stand up to our beliefs
Standing up for you beliefs? Stop being such a drama queen. And why can't the people who were actually censored post what was censored? They should know.
Heshy: Get a clue. Don't toss around the term krum like it's nothing. I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate it if others did the same to you. Who do you think you are?
There is one thing that i'm sure everyone will agree to. Many people did not go to work today because of the holiday. The only thing that is bothersome about that is that they wasted their time right here on this and other such sites when they have a day off.
Coming soon to Lakewood:
tzitzis checks
Banning electricity,running water,indoor plumbing(they didn't exist during the time of chazal).
Also no toilet paper allowed(only stones).
tzitzis checks
Banning electricity,running water,indoor plumbing(they didn't exist during the time of chazal).
Also no toilet paper allowed(only stones).
why not do bris mila with a sharp stone . Avraham aveenu did it that way . And after all we mention avraham aveenu at every single bris , with or with out metziza b`feh.
Bris Mila is done with a knife as thanks for the malach of metal softening the metal in Golyas's helmet for the stone of Dovid Hamelech's sling shot to pass through and kill him.
Azoy Shteit the Tzena Urena - or at least so my grandmother told me :-)
Azoy Shteit the Tzena Urena - or at least so my grandmother told me :-)
internet or not, you guys should be ashamed of yourselves using such language! if you want to know what's Tummah, your looking at it right now! this site is the worst thing i'v seen online yet!
Never ceased to be amazed by the hypocrisy of people. (previous post). You have some nerve commenting on something you yourself do.. BTW. Make sure you go to the mikveh now and count 7 clean days to consider yourself tahor. You are the type that are always looking out for someone else's ruchniyos and their own gashmiyos. You are a two faced nobody.
(on the previos post:)#1:talk about a nobody! you must be one of them! #2: if you want me to go to the mikvha i'll be happy to meet you there just tell me which one( don't be surprised to see a woman down there!!!!!!!)
(previous post) Your pathetic comments are not worthy of a response. Further proof of your immature make up.
BTW I do not harbour any ill will towards you. Just grow up.
BTW I do not harbour any ill will towards you. Just grow up.
And if they have computers connected to the Internet, then the next thing you know, they'll all be downloading the ussur pictures of romaine lettuce!!!
BIG DEAL! I have a computer and I go to this Kollel. I tell them I don't have a computer. But as you can tell by my posting I obviously have a computer. Oh! and by the way I look at porno and masterbate daily! I don't have to tell them everything though. What they don't know won't hurt me!
Why dont you imbicle krum from birth idiots stop picking on good Jews be they chassidish,litvish,sfardish.As long as they are learning Torah and keeping G-ds mitvahs what are you so busy with knocking them.Do you have so many shortcomings that you feel guilty. Ther are plenty of heretical groups to knock like the reform,conservative and even many of the modern orthodox who compromise on yiddishkeit.Lets defend our true Chosem people.And that is only the ones who strive to grow in the ways of Torah. If America is alive today it is only because of Lakewood,willia,msburg,Boro park,crown heights,and areas where frum Jews upkeep our beautiful Torah.If a yeshiva wants its elite students to keep away from internet,lets praise them.Just because we are not on the level to learn Torah 10 hours a day doesnt mean we should not feel proud of such elite Jews.After all dont we all feel good when America or Israel has elite soldiers and units that defend our safety.So too these kollel heroes are defending us even more. And by supporting them be it financially or morally we get credit as well.Lets speak up for them because they are G-ds elite unit defending us throught their Torah learning and prayers.DON'T BE JEALOUS OF THEM. THEIR FATHER IN-LAWS MAY HAVE MORE MONEY THAN YOURS THAT IS LIFE.
P.S my name is not Heshy
P.S my name is not Heshy
I write this message to the bloke from Stamford Hill. The problem in SH is that The Padwa Klan is full of shit. Its a money making business. The erliche heimishe yiddishe sheina kehilla from SH cares about themselves. They dont give a rat's ass about anyone. Oh sorry, when it comes to ££ they lick ur ass. So my friend, live life ignoring them. find ur chevrah and enjoy life. best wishes
its not so unusual, in the other ihr hatoire in gateshead they allready have this... rule a long time.
It just amazes me this whole education system, i went to 5 diffrent chosheve yeshivos and noone ever gave a shit about me, you supposedly learn with a chavrusa the whole day 4 lines and think to yourself how smart you are,you come out knowing notjing but how to say yeshiva slang and then when you want to support your familey you cant cause you have no education so you have to settle in being a janitor.all i can say is that its not the torahs fault but the fakers who are running it all.there are some good ones but alot of them are worse then the mafia. not paying vendors and not acting in a decent human way. to all those i say be ashamed of your self.i think we should make a revolution and stop all this nonsence.
Lipa is a godol hador. It is not our place to pass judgement on him or tell him what to do. Leave Lipa alone!
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