Saturday, December 03, 2005
Heimishe Magazine sinks to new low
This week Heimishe children were treated to a special treat. No, it wasn't the usual 'lebedikeit' that goes on in Satmar, and no, it wasn't the usual 'chutzpa' from the Country Yossi Magazine. It was a nice story in the Mishpacha Junior Magazine this week on page 12, Yosef Chaim and the Torn Book by Shira Yehudit Djlilmand. The story, fully illustrated with a picture of a Chasidishe boy with long peyos right at the beginning, began like this: "Hi you guys! Here I am again! I always seem to have some story to tell you about when I screwed up..." I would find that language to be odd in a secular magazine, let alone in a Heimishe magazine. I don't know maybe these are the new words that are being taught to children in Yeshivah. I mean isn't it bad enough that we have to tolerate the kefirah of the Jewish Press, the jellyfish no-back bone barren Hamodia Newspaper and the totally illiterate-quality Country Yossi Magazine. Now we have to have foul language infused in so-called Heimishe magazines? Who knows, maybe Chaim Schulzen will start publishing a weekly children's magazine.
This week Heimishe children were treated to a special treat. No, it wasn't the usual 'lebedikeit' that goes on in Satmar, and no, it wasn't the usual 'chutzpa' from the Country Yossi Magazine. It was a nice story in the Mishpacha Junior Magazine this week on page 12, Yosef Chaim and the Torn Book by Shira Yehudit Djlilmand. The story, fully illustrated with a picture of a Chasidishe boy with long peyos right at the beginning, began like this: "Hi you guys! Here I am again! I always seem to have some story to tell you about when I screwed up..." I would find that language to be odd in a secular magazine, let alone in a Heimishe magazine. I don't know maybe these are the new words that are being taught to children in Yeshivah. I mean isn't it bad enough that we have to tolerate the kefirah of the Jewish Press, the jellyfish no-back bone barren Hamodia Newspaper and the totally illiterate-quality Country Yossi Magazine. Now we have to have foul language infused in so-called Heimishe magazines? Who knows, maybe Chaim Schulzen will start publishing a weekly children's magazine.

I was shocked myself. Then I realized that the person translating it probably did not know the true meaning of 'screwed up.' A prominent writer in the Yated once used theh word "orgy" in her article and when I expressed my shock to her she explained to me how it's a normal word to be used in the context of the sentence. Then again a BT just made me aware that the phrase "Count your blessings" comes from the New testament...
Anyway it shocked me very much but as I said the translator probably thought it means 'messed up' and doesnt know the real word. Just like an upstanding, responsible relative of mine uses the word "crap" all the time and thinks it means garbage...
Anyway it shocked me very much but as I said the translator probably thought it means 'messed up' and doesnt know the real word. Just like an upstanding, responsible relative of mine uses the word "crap" all the time and thinks it means garbage...
Well if its this bad than i think we should boycott them. Also, the parents are probably not even aware of this because they dont read this section. Thats also probably the reason they put it into this section, because the parents dont see it and the kids probably wont tell the parents about it.
Well to my understading they do a pretty good job at translating and it would suprise me if they thought that it wasnt bad.
How petty.
Save your zeal for a more deserving cause - and there are plenty of them - rather than blowing minor, everyday occurrences like these out of proportion.
Welcome to the world.
Save your zeal for a more deserving cause - and there are plenty of them - rather than blowing minor, everyday occurrences like these out of proportion.
Welcome to the world.
You obviously dont have little children in a heimeshe yeshiva and if you do, a rachmunis oif daine kinder in oif dich oich.
I too am appalled. Unfortunately that word has crept into the vernacular of many otherwise refined people. However, I doubt it was purposefully put in a section of the magazine that wouldn't be read by parents. It was probably due to a lack of understanding as to the source and real meaning of the word. This is certainly not a minor issue, as anyone who has little kinderlach will tell you. If only everyone else had such care taken with regard to the things they were exposed to as children the world would be a much better place.
As for your ad hominem attacks on the Hamodia, I find them unfounded and unbased. The Hamodia does a wonderful job of providing the frum community with news from the rest of the world while leaving the afrius hachomrius shebaolam out.
As for your ad hominem attacks on the Hamodia, I find them unfounded and unbased. The Hamodia does a wonderful job of providing the frum community with news from the rest of the world while leaving the afrius hachomrius shebaolam out.
Of course it's my opinion stupid or I wouldn't have posted it!
You people seem to have nothing to do other than post inane remarks and comments What's the point of commenting if you have nothing other than the obvious to post? Grow up!
You people seem to have nothing to do other than post inane remarks and comments What's the point of commenting if you have nothing other than the obvious to post? Grow up!
At 1:57 am you have nothing better what to do than post comments on this blog. And we should grow up, huh? Your the last person i will envy as to follow in growing up.
I'm not here to take a side about this publication one way or another - I've never read it. Only to point out that
most people use words and expressions without any clue of the origin or original meanings of these words. I have always had an interest in linguistics and etymology (the study of word origins) - As a general rule, after some time, words take on new meanings without sensitivity or reference to the old meaning.
most people use words and expressions without any clue of the origin or original meanings of these words. I have always had an interest in linguistics and etymology (the study of word origins) - As a general rule, after some time, words take on new meanings without sensitivity or reference to the old meaning.
Lol!! "Nothing better what to do"?? I think you should "go learn yourself" some "better English".
As for the 1:57 am.... What can I say - It was a really shver R' Akiga Eiger ;-)
As for the 1:57 am.... What can I say - It was a really shver R' Akiga Eiger ;-)
The military used to hang hammoks from the gun of the tanks... the children born from those harlets.... were called, Son of a gun.
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