Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Orthodox Jews are risk takers
It is seldom said that religious types live dangerously, but it seems that they may do when it comes to crossing roads.
The New Scientist magazine recently reported a study conducted by Tova Rosenbloom of Bar-Ilan University that suggests devout Orthodox Jews are three times as likely to be risk-taking pedestrians than their neighbours in secular communities.
According to the magazine, Rosenbloom began to suspect that religious beliefs might play a role after hearing complaints about pedestrian behaviour in the ultraorthodox community of Bnei-Brak. To find out more, she and her colleagues watched more than1000 pedestrians at two busy intersections, one in Bnei-Brak and the other in a largely secular city. They totted up the number of times a pedestrian either jaywalked, walked on the road as opposed to the footpath, crossed without looking for traffic or crossed without holding an accompanying child’s hand.
They found the inhabitants of Bnei-Brak were three times more likely than the others to break these rules.
Rossenbloom thinks an ultraorthodox faith might contribute to this cavalier behaviour by making people respect religious more than state-law. However, she did not rule out the possibility, that religious people might simply have less fear of death.
Equal rights for parasites!
DONAL Windsor, writing in The New Scientist, explains that “from an ecological aspect, parasites rule ecosystems. Parasites, by definition, harm their hosts as individuals. But they are beneficial for their hosts at the species level. As just one example, when a free-living species becomes too numerous, a disease breaks out and culls the population. Parasites regulate ecosystems and thereby enable their host species to survive. Without parasites, ecosystems would spin out of control and our biosphere would collapse.”
Which certainly gives new meaning to Tom Wolfe’s reference to investment bankers as “masters of the universe”.
It is seldom said that religious types live dangerously, but it seems that they may do when it comes to crossing roads.
The New Scientist magazine recently reported a study conducted by Tova Rosenbloom of Bar-Ilan University that suggests devout Orthodox Jews are three times as likely to be risk-taking pedestrians than their neighbours in secular communities.
According to the magazine, Rosenbloom began to suspect that religious beliefs might play a role after hearing complaints about pedestrian behaviour in the ultraorthodox community of Bnei-Brak. To find out more, she and her colleagues watched more than1000 pedestrians at two busy intersections, one in Bnei-Brak and the other in a largely secular city. They totted up the number of times a pedestrian either jaywalked, walked on the road as opposed to the footpath, crossed without looking for traffic or crossed without holding an accompanying child’s hand.
They found the inhabitants of Bnei-Brak were three times more likely than the others to break these rules.
Rossenbloom thinks an ultraorthodox faith might contribute to this cavalier behaviour by making people respect religious more than state-law. However, she did not rule out the possibility, that religious people might simply have less fear of death.
Equal rights for parasites!
DONAL Windsor, writing in The New Scientist, explains that “from an ecological aspect, parasites rule ecosystems. Parasites, by definition, harm their hosts as individuals. But they are beneficial for their hosts at the species level. As just one example, when a free-living species becomes too numerous, a disease breaks out and culls the population. Parasites regulate ecosystems and thereby enable their host species to survive. Without parasites, ecosystems would spin out of control and our biosphere would collapse.”
Which certainly gives new meaning to Tom Wolfe’s reference to investment bankers as “masters of the universe”.

Religous jews have purpose in their lives, busier lives larger families. (most of them) Therefore they are in a bigger rush, and might not be as carefull.
Eating beans happens to be very healthy. As far as eating meat,beans,some potatoe kugel once a week is not going to kill you if you dont eat like a pig. Our great sages of our times ate chulent,kugel and meat and heres there life span. Rabbi Moshe Feinstein lived to age 91,Lubavitcher Rebbe 92,Satmer Rebbe 93,Rabbi Shach 107,Ribnitzer Rebbe 100,Klausenberger Rebbe 89,Rabbi Yakkov Kamnetsky 95,Rabbi Avigdor Miller 92,Kasher Rebbe Rabbi Rfael Bloom 95,Rabbi Sholomo Halberstam 92, The vast majority lived long and they ate chulent on Shabbos in moderation of course.
To Heshy
You still haven't disclosed the source of the demographic comments you have made.
You corrrectly state that these great people had arichas yomim. I would hazard to guess that they probably subsisted on far less than the average person. I am sure that you would agree that they were on a totally different level. But just look at your average frum male, especially Chassidish, and tell me how you think he looks physically compared to the average non frum person.Trust me. They spend more time in health clubs than you do in shul.
My main point is that your distinction between frum and non frum people is without fact. Don't let emotion cloud facts. Very dangerous.
That is not the way to indicate that our lifestyles are better. Wouldn't you agree that it is the ruchnius aspect that they lack which directs them to focus primarily on the gashmius?
A freilichen Chanukkah.
You still haven't disclosed the source of the demographic comments you have made.
You corrrectly state that these great people had arichas yomim. I would hazard to guess that they probably subsisted on far less than the average person. I am sure that you would agree that they were on a totally different level. But just look at your average frum male, especially Chassidish, and tell me how you think he looks physically compared to the average non frum person.Trust me. They spend more time in health clubs than you do in shul.
My main point is that your distinction between frum and non frum people is without fact. Don't let emotion cloud facts. Very dangerous.
That is not the way to indicate that our lifestyles are better. Wouldn't you agree that it is the ruchnius aspect that they lack which directs them to focus primarily on the gashmius?
A freilichen Chanukkah.
**Speaking of Risk Takers**
Charedim To Hold Mass Protest Against NYC?
Steven I. Weiss is reporting rumors of a large, Charedi anti-Bloomberg protest at tomorrow's inaguration. The issue? Metzitza b'peh, the medieval oral-to-genital-contact during (some) circumcisions Charedim refuse to stop. Weiss also reports rumors circulating in Flatbush and other less-Chasidic areas of Orthodox New York of new government controls over any ritual circumcision, MBP or not.
What is this all about? It seems to me NYC's Health Department is about to release more damning information about the dangerous spread of herpes and other diseases through MBP, information – and perhaps specific cases – already shared with Charedi leadership, but not shared by that leadership with their communites. If NYC does this, it will expose haredi leadership to serois attacks from within their own communities. That is why these leaders need to quickly recast this as an attack on circumcision itself, and not simply an attack against a dangerous, non-biblical, section of the procedure done only by (some) Charedim.
While the actual *meat* of the rumors are certainly false*, the underlying message is clear – turn genuine concern by the city for the safety of Jewish children into an antisemitic witch hunt aimed at Charedim.
More to come, as this developes.
*With the exception of the demonstration, which may take place.
Charedim To Hold Mass Protest Against NYC?
Steven I. Weiss is reporting rumors of a large, Charedi anti-Bloomberg protest at tomorrow's inaguration. The issue? Metzitza b'peh, the medieval oral-to-genital-contact during (some) circumcisions Charedim refuse to stop. Weiss also reports rumors circulating in Flatbush and other less-Chasidic areas of Orthodox New York of new government controls over any ritual circumcision, MBP or not.
What is this all about? It seems to me NYC's Health Department is about to release more damning information about the dangerous spread of herpes and other diseases through MBP, information – and perhaps specific cases – already shared with Charedi leadership, but not shared by that leadership with their communites. If NYC does this, it will expose haredi leadership to serois attacks from within their own communities. That is why these leaders need to quickly recast this as an attack on circumcision itself, and not simply an attack against a dangerous, non-biblical, section of the procedure done only by (some) Charedim.
While the actual *meat* of the rumors are certainly false*, the underlying message is clear – turn genuine concern by the city for the safety of Jewish children into an antisemitic witch hunt aimed at Charedim.
More to come, as this developes.
*With the exception of the demonstration, which may take place.
man serves em right
seriously ive read my share of people an in touch magazines, but when i went to eilat, i really was a bit shocked at wat i saw
they like walk around the mall even casually in bikinis and almost without
and when they saw me and my cusins dressed modestly, they smirked at us and talked loudly about those idiot hareidim
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seriously ive read my share of people an in touch magazines, but when i went to eilat, i really was a bit shocked at wat i saw
they like walk around the mall even casually in bikinis and almost without
and when they saw me and my cusins dressed modestly, they smirked at us and talked loudly about those idiot hareidim