Saturday, December 17, 2005
R' Bentzion and R' Mordche Dovid sit at the same table
At a gathering for the Vaad Harabanim Le'inyanei Tzedaka B'Eretz Hakodesh, for the Kupat Aniyei Eretz Yisrael, R' Bentzion and R' Mordche were ironically seated at the same table. Although they did not speak to each other, they looked pretty content to be at opposite ends of the table.
At a gathering for the Vaad Harabanim Le'inyanei Tzedaka B'Eretz Hakodesh, for the Kupat Aniyei Eretz Yisrael, R' Bentzion and R' Mordche were ironically seated at the same table. Although they did not speak to each other, they looked pretty content to be at opposite ends of the table.

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