
Friday, February 10, 2006

Chaptzem! caption contest WINNER

And the winner for the best caption is...

The new Mizrach compass in use

Comment Credit ---This article posted by yaakovr : January 29, 2006 2:51 PM

Thank you for all the participants, the entries were really great.

The next Chaptzem! caption contest will be posted soon.

Chaptzem! caption contest

What is going on here?

Can you come up with an interesting caption for this picture?

The best entry will win a free Chaptzem! t-shirt - (below).

Just post your caption along with your e-mail address.


The Kiryas Yoel Vaad Hatznius watching and taking pictures of the public burning of Lipa Schmeltzers albums.


sunrise in israel


4-3-2-1, YES ITS SUNDAY FREE WEEKEND MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i think i know thay are taking a pic of u


"mahn jee-pee-ess zook't as yetst
is 'netz'. Oy mahn jee-pee-ess is


Picture taken at Har Sinai sunrise in Egypt.


lag bomer


The new Mizrach compass in use


Can you hear me now? how about now?


hey, it's that guy from 13th avenue who always wears those wierd pants!!


M'shiach is ungekimen!!


Do We want Moshiah Now?? (don't mix
up with C.H.C (crown heights crap)




A bored bloger


The sun is Ve rizong


Hey look, nude sunbathers on the mountain over there!


Hello? Hashem? Can you hear me?


GOD, take a look at my newest download. Isn't she hot? Thank you God for your creations!!


hey girls would u get rid of ur bikini's so we can have u photographed???
btw im not a man and thats wat most of the men think about!! shame on u!!! if u dont believe me check out the weekly poll of shabbos reading material (here on chaptzem every friday) and see how many ppl say they read porn and r not even ashamed to post it here!!!!


hey! what makes you think those gadgets are compasses? they look more like a cell phone and digital camera! and for a caption since i know the guys there i would make it personal by asking Shia Bernstein of "ZAKA" where his talis is?!


The new Siddur iPod.


But only 2 of those chasidim are holding things, one has a camera, and one has a phone. Where does a compass come in? C'mon chaptzem, I expect better from you. They are photographing, what I'm not sure.


look overthere its lipa baderech


look yoile dus iz der newest farrare


my cellphone now has a tellascope


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