Friday, February 24, 2006
Missionaries proselytizing in Boro-Park
Two missionaries have been seen going around Boro-Park and handing out religious literature written in Yiddish. The missionaries are attempting to lure people to read about their religious beliefs. These missionaries are obviously very inexperienced, or else they would know that if they want people to read their literature they should just write on top in bold block letters "SHAIGETZ" and throw it on the ground in front of Satmar. That way they can be sure that everyone will read it.
Two missionaries have been seen going around Boro-Park and handing out religious literature written in Yiddish. The missionaries are attempting to lure people to read about their religious beliefs. These missionaries are obviously very inexperienced, or else they would know that if they want people to read their literature they should just write on top in bold block letters "SHAIGETZ" and throw it on the ground in front of Satmar. That way they can be sure that everyone will read it.
Instead of making a joke about this, in your normal dry humorous way, why don't you get a copy of it and post it. You can also get a pic of them and post it too.
That way you will be possibly saving a soul.
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That way you will be possibly saving a soul.