
Friday, May 26, 2006

Children's carnival in Boro-Park, it ain't what it used to be!

There was a carnival for children today, yes on Erev Shabbos, in Boro-Park by 12th Avenue and 54th Street. This was not your regular children's carnival of yesteryear where there would be a few booths, bob the apple, sit on a balloon, with some kids making $40 or $50 tops. This was a full blown carnival with rides, cotton candy and prizes, bringing in the money by the bagfull. No, this was not a carnival held by some organization or Yeshivah, this was done by a family of spoiled kids, with obviously much of their parents help and support. I found it quite interesting to see how far parents will let their kids go nowadays with their demands. The days of asking your parents for a ten speed bike and getting a resounding unanimous NO! are over. Now children are asking for, and oddly enough actually getting, every whim, regardless of how outlandish these requests may be. What I found even more interesting was how the mother of these kids was k'velling with naches over what her sheffelech had accomplished. Apparently this mother, of at least six young children, had nothing better to do on Erev Shabbos than sit around in front of her house and schmooze up every person that stopped over with their kids for the carnival. Well I guess if you have a capable goyte cleaning your house and taking care of children, you can find the time to hang out with your neighbors all day and make carnivals. I wonder what our next generation will be like. Who knows, maybe two or three goytes and much more free time.


"Close to one in five families below the poverty line. An average of almost one in three children living in poverty. That is a total of 1.32 million people, including 618,000 children in a population of 6.5 million. This is the stark reality of modern-day Israel, as revealed this week in the annual report of the National Insurance Institute, the government body in charge of welfare payments.

The number of children below the poverty line grew from 26.9 percent in 2001 to 28.1 percent in 2002.

The poverty line for a family of four was set in 2002 at 1,000 dollars a month in disposable income, after taxes have been deducted and welfare payments received.



Maybe this family needed the money


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