
Thursday, June 22, 2006

Milsa Bedichese

A Litvishe Yingerman without a beard moves with his family from Denver to Boro-Park and wants to join a Chasidishe Kollel. The Yingerman goes to see the Rosh HaKollel, who asks him some questions in learning and about his previous Kollel experiences. The Yingerman knows his stuff and impresses the Rosh HaKollel, to which the Rosh HaKollel replies, "You are accepted, it will be our pleasure to have you here in our Kollel learning with us. Just make sure to be here by noon every day." "By noon?", the clean-shaven Yingerman asks. "What time does Kollel begin?" The Rosh HaKollel answers him with an ernest look on his face, "Oh, Kollel starts at ten o'clock, but the first two hours everyone just sits around pulling their beard."

what stupidity.

Things are getting from bad to worse on this blog. Time to fold up and get a life!


this joke is about a eunuch going to work for a company and what the employees do for the 1st 2 hours of the day.


The joke is that starting at 10 is acceptable!?!
I'm sure his wife is at work by 9!


Oh my lord!

Chaptzem WAKE UP!!!

First the parking stupidity and now this?????



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