
Monday, July 10, 2006

New York City's first Yoily cop

Finally New York City will now have a Yoily cop. The first Hasidic cop to join the NYPD starts his academy training today. Yoel Witriol, who originally signed up as an Auxiliary Police Officer, is a Monroe Yeshivah graduate and is highly trained in the fine art of Satmar terrorism. Mr. Witriol says that he decided to join the force because he realized that there were so many things going on in the world every day (outside of Monroe) and he wanted to be a part of that. Boy do I feel bad for any Rebbe that ever touched this guy in Yeshivah.

is this for real?


which part of satmer does he belong to?? I pity the other side..


what's he ? an aroni or zalmoni?


Wait - is vitriol really a Chassidish name? Is this all a joke?


my grandfather the Jewish NYC detective z"l must be happy :-)


front page ny post today


Real nice. You get to publicly poke fun at another Yid along with a whole segment of the frum population. Good going. Keep knocking other people into the ground and maybe someday you'll feel good about yourself.


shanda a kapo


A Yid shouldn't be in the NYPD. There's a lot that can happen there. There's Pritzus, dirty language, probably discrimination, or people will blame things on the Jewish cop etc. It can be dangerous, and a Yid is not supposed to enter a dangerous profession by choice. It can inadvertantly cause Chillul Hashem.


ehr ved zine forren in a unmarked car in boro park ehr vill vort biem the stop sign und shribe tickets. just wont be able to write them correctly.


A Yid shouldn't be in the NYPD. There's a lot that can happen there. There's Pritzus, dirty language, probably discrimination, or people will blame things on the Jewish cop etc. It can be dangerous, and a Yid is not supposed to enter a dangerous profession by choice. It can inadvertantly cause Chillul Hashem

so is being a chussid


there is going to be a new song from lipa about this one.


Noo,Noo..America !!!
I waiting for First AMISH Cop with
wooden hammer and sling...


Kol HaKavod and best of luck to this young man in his career. He should have success, and bring naches to the community and be an example for us all.


leave the kid alone.finally someone in satmar doing something worthwhile with his life. I despise satmar chassidim with a passion but i admire this kid. leave him alone.


halachacly he isnt allowed to arrest a jew its mesirah l'malchis very grave sin
btw he is an aroni


It's not mesirah, if works for the government.


SILLY BOYS! "mmeni yeri v'yilmadie" he's gonna have a great carrer and be able to retire back to kollel on a handsome pension in not that many years! great move!!! will i be able to get a PBA card for encouraging him?!.........


Comment Credit ---This article posted by thekvetcher : July 10, 2006 8:04 PM

A Yid shouldn't be in the NYPD. There's a lot that can happen there. There's Pritzus, dirty language, probably discrimination, or people will blame things on the Jewish cop etc. It can be dangerous, and a Yid is not supposed to enter a dangerous profession by choice. It can inadvertantly cause Chillul Hashem.
The internet has pritzis and bad language too. so get off this blog and go take a dunk in your local sesspool mikva and stay there for good.


halachacly he isnt allowed to arrest a jew its mesirah l'malchis very grave sin
btw he is an aroni

Comment Credit ---This article posted by yoly lover : July 11, 2006 10:52 AM
BTW there is no malchis in America today. So he would be allowed to give someone a ticket and yes he may arrest another jew especioally if he is a danger to himself and others. Go back into your hole and stop spewing your Satmar amiratzis.


what's he ? an aroni or zalmoni?

Comment Credit ---This article posted by Anonymous : July 10, 2006 4:45 PM

Neither, He is a kosher Tzeeyoni.
Kudos to him for pusuing a REAL career.
All you guys are simply jelous.


I think most of you are just scared that you'll have to watch your back now that they'll have someone on the inside. OH TEH NOOO! NO MORE GANG BANGS IN MIKVEH!


oh my god!!! what is going to be the next one in this world!!! everyday day another retadrt comes up!!! WHAT IS HAPPENING TO OUR WORLD?????


What kind of comments are these? Speaking of things which should never cross the lips of chasidim. Wether you think good or bad of him, you should say so in a way lacking pure lashon hara.


at least he wasn't the nypd cop who got beat up by a drunken fireman


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