
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Korn Brothers' hardware store robbed

A hardware store on Flatbush and Nostrand Avenues in Brooklyn that is owned by the Korn Brothers from the bakery has been robbed in upwards of $60,000. One of the brothers, who regularly uses the office of the hardware store as his base of operations, was closing the store for the night. He exited the store with his attache case, placed it in his van and went back to lock up as he did every night. When he came back to his van, he realized that it had been broken into and his attache case with over $60,000 in cash was gone. The thief apparently had been observing his routine for a while and knew exactly when it would be the best time to strike.

It looks like no one cares


well, the dumb-a-s should not have left so much money in car unattended.


Which store is this? The nice haimish hardware store that is located about where the frum presence on Nostrand begins, or a small, dingy store in the duskier part of Nostrand?


I agree with 11/17 12:02. If I had an attache case with $60 grand inside, I would handcuff that case to my wrist, just like government couriers do with secret documents -- NOT carelessly toss it onto the front seat of his vehicle, which he no doubt left unlocked, like an idiot.


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