Sunday, December 17, 2006
Rabbi's suit puts menorah in limelight
When Diana Raphael Carver of Snohomish, Wash., takes her menorah out each year, she is reminded of eating potato pancakes at Hanukkah celebrations when she was a child, and looks forward to observing the holiday with her daughter and 3-year-old granddaughter.
When she lights the menorah's candles, it's a time for reflection. That's why she doesn't like the idea of displaying a giant electric menorah at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.
"It cheapens Hanukkah" and reduces the menorah to a decoration, said Ms. Carver, a retired advertising executive. "It takes away from what Hanukkah really means – a thanking of God and reminding us of the miracle that happened."
Ms. Carver is among other local Jews who, for a variety of reasons, say they disagree with the approach of a local rabbi who requested that the Port of Seattle install an 8-foot-tall electric menorah at the airport.
When Rabbi Elazar Bogomilsky and his attorney couldn't get a definite answer from the port, they threatened legal action, sending the port a draft of a 24-page lawsuit.
When Diana Raphael Carver of Snohomish, Wash., takes her menorah out each year, she is reminded of eating potato pancakes at Hanukkah celebrations when she was a child, and looks forward to observing the holiday with her daughter and 3-year-old granddaughter.
When she lights the menorah's candles, it's a time for reflection. That's why she doesn't like the idea of displaying a giant electric menorah at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.
"It cheapens Hanukkah" and reduces the menorah to a decoration, said Ms. Carver, a retired advertising executive. "It takes away from what Hanukkah really means – a thanking of God and reminding us of the miracle that happened."
Ms. Carver is among other local Jews who, for a variety of reasons, say they disagree with the approach of a local rabbi who requested that the Port of Seattle install an 8-foot-tall electric menorah at the airport.
When Rabbi Elazar Bogomilsky and his attorney couldn't get a definite answer from the port, they threatened legal action, sending the port a draft of a 24-page lawsuit.

According to Halacha, there is no inyon to place a Menorah in public areas. Even the Minhag of lighting in the shul, though universally accepted, is subject to much debate amongst the Poskim. Why do we needlessly antagonize Goyim?
to the first comment we must remind all jews that its chanuka
the lubavitcher rebbe said spread
the light and because of this thounds of people
are takeing part in menora lightings around the world cheak
chabad wishes you a happy chanuka
the lubavitcher rebbe said spread
the light and because of this thounds of people
are takeing part in menora lightings around the world cheak
chabad wishes you a happy chanuka
You are supposed to mix chanukah with x mas thats why we buy chanukah presants and put them under the bush and waith for the santa rov to show up .
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