Monday, December 25, 2006
United Colors of Benetton show their true colors of anti-Semitism
United Colors of Benetton are using their strong corporate powers to bully Jewish owned UCB stores. United Colors of Benetton is operated as a franchise, meaning that all stores are privately owned but must order from the same supplier. UCB headquarters regularly conducts sales around the secular Holidays offering up to 50% off their clothing line. Being that Boro-Park does not celebrate these Holidays, the store owner of the Boro-Park branch made his sale for Chanukah. UCB headquarters was not very happy that one branch failed to comply with the timing of their Holiday sale. Even after repeated explaining about the unique religious situation they would not budge in their position. As a means of punishment for the non-compliance with Holiday sales, orders placed by the Boro-Park branch of UCB just didn't arrive, leaving the store no merchandise to sell.
United Colors of Benetton are using their strong corporate powers to bully Jewish owned UCB stores. United Colors of Benetton is operated as a franchise, meaning that all stores are privately owned but must order from the same supplier. UCB headquarters regularly conducts sales around the secular Holidays offering up to 50% off their clothing line. Being that Boro-Park does not celebrate these Holidays, the store owner of the Boro-Park branch made his sale for Chanukah. UCB headquarters was not very happy that one branch failed to comply with the timing of their Holiday sale. Even after repeated explaining about the unique religious situation they would not budge in their position. As a means of punishment for the non-compliance with Holiday sales, orders placed by the Boro-Park branch of UCB just didn't arrive, leaving the store no merchandise to sell.

I have never bought anything from Bennetton, and I don't feel that I am missing anything. Why do Yidden like this store so much and why do they open franchises? We should patronize Jewish merchandise and buy clothes that don't follow all the Goyish trends, and I personally stay away from merchandise that has a "name" on the outside instead of inside on the label. Who wants a name from a goyish or a frei designer on the outside of one's clothes. It is not refined to wear such clothing. (I don't need GAP, Lauren, Old Navy, Hilfiger etc. on my clothes.)
Just because the company has a marketing policy which does not coincide with the Jewish calendar makes them anti-Semitic? Are you people nuts or what?Frum people only play by the rules if it fits to their agenda. otherwise, they make their own rules. Pathetic.
Benetton is a destination oriented store.People go there for the snob appeal. Typical Boro Park insecurity syndrome.
Benetton is a destination oriented store.People go there for the snob appeal. Typical Boro Park insecurity syndrome.
UCB is known for their perverted tastes in their products. It is incomprehensible why a Jew would buy from it, let alone franchise it.
All that aside, the store should start carrying non-UCB products, which surely is a violation of their franchise agreement, and when they flip out, they should remind the corporate wigs that they first violated the agreement by not sending them merchandise.
All that aside, the store should start carrying non-UCB products, which surely is a violation of their franchise agreement, and when they flip out, they should remind the corporate wigs that they first violated the agreement by not sending them merchandise.
This just sounds like a store with a normal business problem crying anti-semitism.
Is it possible that the store offered discounts when the Corporate decision was not to? To claim antisemitism for that would be stupidly wrong.
Perhaps there was an issue of not paying on time?
Perhaps there was a production snafu that affected other stores as well?
Perhaps the Corporate decided that a franchise like this was selling too much non UCB goods in the store which might have been against their written or unwritten policy.
In short, we are asked to take sides with only a partial and one sided view of what is happening.
Is it possible that the store offered discounts when the Corporate decision was not to? To claim antisemitism for that would be stupidly wrong.
Perhaps there was an issue of not paying on time?
Perhaps there was a production snafu that affected other stores as well?
Perhaps the Corporate decided that a franchise like this was selling too much non UCB goods in the store which might have been against their written or unwritten policy.
In short, we are asked to take sides with only a partial and one sided view of what is happening.
Owning a franchise means complying with company protocol, however, Benetton not filling orders doesn't sound too nice to me.
Who are you? Dont you think that labeling a company anti semitic when all they are doing is foloowing protocal is dangerous? What if it was CVS or some other non clothing store chain? I like to see your blog, not for information but to see your viewpoint. Its very intresting.
Is the store claiming discrimination, or are you claiming discrimination. What do you have with them??
Why do you care about Benneton, weren't you the one that claimed they were sexually harrasing women?
Which side of the fence are you on.
Why do you care about Benneton, weren't you the one that claimed they were sexually harrasing women?
Which side of the fence are you on.
Mr Chaptzem your wacked!
Why do you expect us to beleive this tale? you probably had an expired credit and they didn't want to honour it so your makin false accusations to get even! back up your claim or risk loosing a reader!
Why do you expect us to beleive this tale? you probably had an expired credit and they didn't want to honour it so your makin false accusations to get even! back up your claim or risk loosing a reader!
We need to better understand the rules of this blog. While news items are usually printed this was not really news. This seems like a business dispute.
What is the next area for Chaptzem to conquer; will we now read about store to store disputes?
Will we soon read about disputes between neighbors?
To anon 2.46 pm
It sounds more like an unhappy store trying to get the community to take up his cause than a consumer disgruntled about his credit card not being accepted.
I hope we get back to real news, like beating sanitation tickets!
What is the next area for Chaptzem to conquer; will we now read about store to store disputes?
Will we soon read about disputes between neighbors?
To anon 2.46 pm
It sounds more like an unhappy store trying to get the community to take up his cause than a consumer disgruntled about his credit card not being accepted.
I hope we get back to real news, like beating sanitation tickets!
Did you have any facts in this post, other than that there is a Benetton in Boro Park?
At least make up a story that sounds true. By the way, any clothing store would have received their winter clothes at least three months ago. Any orders in December would probably be for the spring. So there is no way they had no merchandise to sell.
At least make up a story that sounds true. By the way, any clothing store would have received their winter clothes at least three months ago. Any orders in December would probably be for the spring. So there is no way they had no merchandise to sell.
Being that I am a frequent shopper at United Colors of Benetton in Boro Park and a close personal friend of the owner there, I was extremely disturbed by the article posted. I have enjoyed shopping there for many years and I never heard a complaint from the owner about any problems she had with the UCB headquarters. She always tells me how respectful and understanding they are regarding our religion, our lifestyle, and the way we dress. And all of her requests to have tznius clothes manufactured were always accepted with understanding and serious consideration.
When I told her about this article she was in complete shock. Yes it’s true that she made the sale for Chanukah but as the owner told me herself, the UCB headquarters never expressed any objections to the sale. In addition, the merchandise (that as the article claims allegedly never made it to the store) had actually been delivered on schedule. If you need more proof you can walk into the store and go see the new spring clothing for yourself.
Well I hope my respone was helpful. I just wanted to clarify this misunderstanding so that people don’t start drawing conclusions about UCB based on this far-fetched rumor.
When I told her about this article she was in complete shock. Yes it’s true that she made the sale for Chanukah but as the owner told me herself, the UCB headquarters never expressed any objections to the sale. In addition, the merchandise (that as the article claims allegedly never made it to the store) had actually been delivered on schedule. If you need more proof you can walk into the store and go see the new spring clothing for yourself.
Well I hope my respone was helpful. I just wanted to clarify this misunderstanding so that people don’t start drawing conclusions about UCB based on this far-fetched rumor.
First to address the rumor; i too know the benetton owner who gives no credit to this rumor. shame on you chapzem. you should be more careful when you walk down the street. when you hurt someones business and reputation you are risking your safety.
Secondly to address "Dress "jewish" who said "We should patronize Jewish merchandise and buy clothes that don't follow all the Goyish trends, and I personally stay away from merchandise that has a "name" on the outside instead of inside on the label."
Let me tell you something about a label: the owners of this store are making less of a profit by paying for this label, and do you know why? so that they can bring quality to frum people who need to wear and wash their clothing time and time again without it looking like a "shmateh". this owner could quadrouple their profit by opening a store with a cute name, manufacturing their own "no name" brand of clothing (which would also be designed by a goy)in a cheap and ugly manner, and selling it for lots of money to the frum community who is desperate for normal looking tzniusdik clothing.
ask any woman if this is not the case.
The people who let you shop for quality clothng with ease, without searching for the 1 skirt between the loads of pants, should be hailed. Thank them over and over.
Learn to appreciate, find the good in will live a longer and happier life.
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Secondly to address "Dress "jewish" who said "We should patronize Jewish merchandise and buy clothes that don't follow all the Goyish trends, and I personally stay away from merchandise that has a "name" on the outside instead of inside on the label."
Let me tell you something about a label: the owners of this store are making less of a profit by paying for this label, and do you know why? so that they can bring quality to frum people who need to wear and wash their clothing time and time again without it looking like a "shmateh". this owner could quadrouple their profit by opening a store with a cute name, manufacturing their own "no name" brand of clothing (which would also be designed by a goy)in a cheap and ugly manner, and selling it for lots of money to the frum community who is desperate for normal looking tzniusdik clothing.
ask any woman if this is not the case.
The people who let you shop for quality clothng with ease, without searching for the 1 skirt between the loads of pants, should be hailed. Thank them over and over.
Learn to appreciate, find the good in will live a longer and happier life.