Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Hey good job! His hidden talents are coming out into the open......!!!!I'm waiting to see how long it'll be till this SHMEKIDIK blogger posts some stupid, broken record comment about how this is just another out of shape chassid who needs to spray underarm deoderant....ETC ETC ETC...BLAH BLAH BLAH...I've come across all his posts and all I can say is that the guy needs some help. Lots of it. And FAST.
Yeah Mr. Music is good, gotta hand it to him! And to you , ANON 3:45, I have some good news- I've noticed that SHMEKIDIK has been on vacation for awhile, he decided to spare all of us from his stupid comments cuz otherwise it would be only a matter of time before someone would make sure to find out who he is and publicize it.
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