
Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Muni-meters to be installed on 13th Avenue in Boro-Park

Muni-meters, central parking meters, will soon be installed on 13th Avenue in Boro-Park. Muni-meters are devices where you can purchase parking receipts to display in your windshield in order to be able to park on the street.

What the City gains from the new Muni-meters

What you supposedly gain from this

In reality there will be less parking space because parking will become a free-for-all with cars taking up more room than they need, as on every other block in Boro-Park.

Thank you NYC for squeezing every penny out of us!

Tickets are often issued when the driver leaves his car to purchase a receipt at the Muni-meter which can be up to half a block away

can anyone help us how can a driver avoid this?


Where are Hikind and Felder when we need them? Can't they leavt good enough alone in BP?


The muni meters will only add spaces to long blocks not to the short avenue blocks.

Muni Meters=No more failed meters.
No more using other people minutes.
No more popping in a quaters and running into a store for one second, you'll have to run up and down a block just for one minute.
They'll give tickets to anyone who park within 20 feet of a fire hydrant.


pt and shall display it pursuant to paragraph 10 of this subdivision.
(a) If all “Muni-Meters” in a parking field or on a block are broken,
no person shall park a vehicle for longer than sixty minutes (one hour) in
or on such “Muni-Meter” controlled parking field or block.


They have this system in some streets Yerushalayim and I say it is very inconvenient and annoying.


Are we talking about Yerushalayim? No, we are talking about Boro Park. Not Mumbai - Not Hong Kong - Not San Paulo - Not Yerushalayim, but simply Boro Park. While those in Yerushalayim will be spending the upcoming months fighting the Gay Parade, we in Boro Park will be looking for parking.


Muni meters are the worst plus parking in manhattan has gone up from 25c to 15 minutes to 50c for 15. Are we expected to carry all these quarters around?? bring back the parking meters theyre convientent


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