
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Gimmel Tamuz in Boro-Park

Another ad for Lube and Oil? The Archdiascese of Brooklyn also proclaims that the Messiah is here, the name is a little different.


How come no pope mobile?


OY VEY!ditto to anon 9:37 PM. They have a new religion. Are the Rebbe's
Sichos, their new testament?


Shame on you. Although I am not a Lubab, I know that when I go out of town they will be there for me when needed. Whatever sect you belong to, I know one thing, they only help their own kind, while Lubabs are willing to help all Klal. Yisroel no matter what sect they belong to. Whether the Lubabs have in house fighting, that's not my problem.
PS: Go find something picky to make fun of this comment (bad spelling..) but you will not have a real argument.


The fact that they do help Jews all over is a great zechus, true. How does that do away with this nonsense or avodah zora, call it what you wish? Micha, you know, the one with the pessel, also had tables full of food for every traveler, and he did earn his Olam Haboh therefrom, yet, he was machti most of Klal Yisroel.


First I'd like to say that This is not Chabad, they are useing our Rebbes Face (but they are not Chabad. On them Dovid Hamelech says...
(10) "For forty years I quarreled with that generation; and I said, "They are a people of erring hearts, they do not know my ways." (11) So I vowed in my anger that they would not enter my resting place.
ארבעים שנה אקוט בדוד ואמר עם תעי לבב הם והם לא ידעו דרכי : אשר נשבעתי באפי, אם יבאון אל מנוחתי :
תהילים צ"ה

For 40 years the Rebbe zt"l was Rebbe...These So callled "Mishichistim" "do not know his way". It's not that they don't go to the Rebbe (by the Ohel/Tzion, it's that the Rebbe does not want them there (So I vowed in my anger that they would not enter my resting place.)



You want to see chabad?


Rachmana L'Tzlan - there are people who eat their Shechita and Drink their wine. Those among the Lubavitch who believe that the Rebbe is or can still be Moshiach or even worse believe that he did not die on Gimmel Tamuz are Kofrim B'Ikkar. Their wine is Yayin Nessech and their Shechita is Ossur B'Achila. They CAN NOT be counted in a minyan and are Possul L'Eidus. While I had difficulty accepting this P'Sak and did not necessarily agree with those who took this stance while Rabbi Schneerson was alive (despite the fact that it came directly from Maran Harav Shach), I feel that, at this point, given the way things have developed, Harav Shach was right all along. Much the way the Chazon Ish came to agree with the Brisker Rav, albeit a year too late. I suggest you read David Beger's "The Rebbe, the Messiah and the Scandal of Orthodox Indiference" before singing their praises. It will blow your mind.


10:13... They're ther for you? Or they're there for theis mission. A visitor to any third-world country will gladly be provided for by the Christian Missionaries there... Lehavdil? Maybe last under the Rashab.


yes they help everyone with their ulterior motive of "converting" you
to their brand of Judaism. As a child in teh 50s i remeber them being called neshama chappers.
They have lways believed in the Rebbe as being Moshiach, it was a dirty little secret kept inside till they brought in all the hippies and hare kishkas and ex-xtians, moonies etc. who incorporated their former avoda zara into lubavitch. Unfortunately these half baked became teh majority and ruined a beautiful chasidus,
Many a time i have asked these missionaries spreading their gospel if they ever met the Rebbe in person and they say no, so I tell them that they are like paul who created a new religion!


I personally have nothing against the "real" Labavitchers, only those who claim their Rebbe is Moshicah. That is completely against the Torah.


I have heard that Rav Shach zt'l once said that "Lubavitch is the religion closest to Judaism".


Wishing all the Chabadnicks a Refuah Sheleima bekaorv MAMASH. May they be zoche to taste some Levioson (since they won't touch Hashem's shechita of Shor Habor, let them eat fish), drink Everclear hameshumar and eat a hefty slice of Chaya Mush cake.


talking about r' shach, i heard he thanked the rebbe for alerting him to his posul tefilin.


for all of you who write that believing the lubavitcher rebbe qualfies as being the Moshiach is "avoda zora". i submit that u study the texts instead of shooting off your mouths.


How could anyone of you write such stupid things! how could you stoop so low as to say such LOSHON HORA!? even if thats your opinion then keep it yourself you don't have to show everyone that you have no brains and just like spewing nonsense. To show how great lubavitchers are i'm sure if you go over to anyone one of them and say all your comments i'm sure tey will not be fazed at all, and they will still try to help you. No matter what you think of them they are still jewish and do not do anything against what is written in the torah. They just try to help other people keep the torah. If you call them missionaries and compare them to christians then you are so called "brainwashed." You yourself follow judaism blindly. Your parents are considered the missionaries they stuck the whole idea of judaism into your head. The showed you the right way, and thats exzactly what lubavitch does they are the parents for those people who's parents did not show them the way.




which moshiach? oh that one again!
more lubi propaganda!


The Rebbe, the ohav Yisroel said Moshiach is here which by the way parallels Chazal who say Moshiach is in every generation. Anyone who argues with Lubavitch and throws around Am Haratzim definitiions of Avodah Zara, etc is a kofer and a sonei Yisroel. open up your eyes and recognize what true neseuis and gadlos is. Torak isn't just sitting in your Shtetel with a book and a perssonality as black as your chitsnois lvush. Moshiach NOW!


Moshiach may be in every generation, but, He is NOT the Lubavitcher Rebbe Z"L.Moshiach is not a dead man nor a resurrected man.


To Anonymus 7:43pm

Rav states:

"If Moshiach will come from the living, it will be Rabeinu HaKadosh (i.e.Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi), if he comes from the dead, it will be Daniel (the Prophet)..."

Sanhedrin 98:B
6 lines from the bottom of the page. Look it up, you may learn something.


the shame parade comes to brooklyn


To all of you,

So next time your in China, Alaska, Singapore, Russia, Vietnam, Costa Rica, The Congo and you need a place to Daven and eat like a mentch , are you going to Call
Aish? NO
Sameach? NO
Chabad? Ofcourse Yes


You laughed at us in the 70's when we had Mitzvah tanks in Manhttan and now you yourselves are following Lubavitch with your Kiruv orgnizations.


how about looking at the other side on gimmel tamuz at the ohel where 28,000 lubavitchers went to visit the rebbe here are some and are also the major majority which are normal yidden.
check it out


Good news, so Rav held that he may indeed come from those who died, and yet, he didn't suggest someone recent. Therefore, if from those who have left us, go for someone like Daniel, better yet, Dovid Hamelech, for, as you can see, once you can choose anyone who isn't living, why in hell would you settle for the Rebbe? Even according to Chabad, wouldn't the Baal Hatanya be just a bit better? Kick it up a notch!!!


I thought only Bill Clinton and Elvis stick around. Oh, yes, the Bigfoot, sorry.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but the Jewish Law is clear.
See www.identifyingchabad.org for well described issues at hand. Chabad is of great service to the Jewish people worldwide, question is whether they believe the Torah or not. Scary to think of it, but Christianity started by some Jewish fellows believing that the Messiach has come...


Instead of being machmer (Yayin nesech etc) and saying that these Bni Avraham Yiyzchok V'Yaakov are C"V kofrim, oivdie avodah zarah etc. be Machmer on the mitzvah of ahavas yisroel and be dan lekav zechus another jew. If there exist a heter al pi torah to drink non Cholov yisroel milk, i'm sure you can find a heter to say that these other brothers of ours are indeed kosher Jews. And especially here where there is absolutely no source for you pesak. the only source for your comments is your blind hatred. some of them may indeed be crazy, but that does not make someone an oived avodah zara C"V.


"question is whether they believe the Torah or not."

Dear Misnagid,

When a Buissnsman from Boro Park or Monsey is in Beijing or Tokyo and needs to hear Kriyas Hatorah on Shabos, he does goto Chabad.

Funnny how you bash chabad when your on Vatation and need to Daven witha Minyan or Kriyas Hatorah you turn to Chabad and its ALL frum Jews.


it would be correct to say that blasting the messiah flags in boro park is discomforting and selfish they follow no rabbis authority except their own but when was the last time that someone held of their own manhig until they called him fitting and should reveal hashems ultimate Goal

Your Question of why THE chabadniks choose the Rebbe over the ba'al hatanya bc in short he is moshe rabeinu and the rambam and the ba'al hatanya in its most final upgrade and evolution "unzipping Unpackaging" if u read the rebbes sichos and letters and ma'amarim u will see that he elevates and clarifies all areas of sefarim throught mesorah history and accentuates and brought them to their final development top of the pyramid "Giants Shoulders"

on another topic
if u goto WWW.COL.ORG.IL thats the most popular chabad news site alot of it is in hebrew though but alot of english translation then theres www.crownheights.info all in english lots of articles with persepctive also and last but not least the funniest is chabadtube.com a funny site with a weekly news video by mendy pellin u can see previous shows if ud like


why doesnt aron or unger make a play for chabad?



The REAL problem with Lubavitch is that they don't eat milk and Fish together. Even reform Jews know that lox and bagels go with cream cheese. What happened to minhag yisroel???


Moshe Rabeinu? Gimme a break. Whoever heard of Moshe Rabeinu from Sorbonne and Berlin? on the other hand, if you want to go that far back, try the Golden Calf, it fits better


Get this into your brains allready,WE DON'T NEED YOUR FOOD IN CHINA!! We managed for many generations fine without your 'food-with a-price'.
What a joke that their claim to fame is that they run 'kosher hotels worldwide'
It's only a way to fundraise and get people into their net


`They say, "Moshiach has come and the 'Hashem has prepared the liveoson". And Rubashkin is selling Shor Habor(hus brand undr Lubavitch hasgacha)


GO CHABAD< GO, you finish the sentence.


Misnagid; Are talking about the same Shach that said that the world has been around for 10,000 years, or ,maybe the same Shach that predicted a holocaust in Israel during the 1st Gulf War. I think you should give about as much credibilty to the rest of his comments, including the ones about Chabad


Looks like the last poster is missing the word Rav or Rabbi from his limited vocabulary. Perhaps he is the same goon who wrote above that Rav Shach ZT"S thanked the false Messiah for telling him that his Tefillin were possul, the fact that was world famous in 770 ( and nowhere else. For a cult that has effectively split from Klal Isroel almost a century ago, it's pretty remarkable that he knows the last names of some of the Rabbis altogether, even without titles. Now, I wonder, yep, I wonder, why is the CHABAD study cycle called CHiTaS, being that Tanya is the ikkar, shouldn't the letters be TaChaS?


It is amazing that so many of the people who have made Shmiras haLoshon one of their main stress on mitzvos, have the biggest loshon hora mouths of all...How very sad.
Do you fear G-D or do you only do mitzvos that will put you personally on a higher step (in your mind)-such as becoming another of the so called million godols, poseks, or dayans-all while the wife is slaving away having kids, taking care of them, AND having a full time job.
I wonder, if you were given a test on the halachos/meforshim of Bias haMoshiach, if you would pass. It happens to be the purpose of the whole world.
What really sickens me is the utter hypocrisy of many of you. I was in Venice this past summer on vacation and there were approx. 300, yes-300, people-many of them from Boro park, Flatbush and the Five Towns, who ATE ALL 3 SHABBOS MEALS FOR FREE AT THE CHABAD RESTAURANT IN VENICE. Some of them were so helpful, but to my utter shock I heard many comments of complaints about the food, mockery of Chabad etc while sitting next to people who did not know that I was Lubavitch. SHAME SHAME SHAME on them. How dare they!!THEY chose to come, they were not forced to come!! When one of the Chabad yeshiva boys got up to say a Dvar Torah I heard a few young couples from Flatbush snicker-"so is he gonna talk about Moshiach?"...more snickering. Seconds before they were discussing all the amazing clothes they had bought in Milano. About that-they weren't snickering. PRIORITIES???
Have we forgotten what countless Jews murdered by the nazis-yimach shemom-said as their dying words:"Ani ma'amin...bevias haMoshiach."
I think that one of the problems is that some people might not want Moshiach because they're afraid it will disrupt their lives...and their shopping sprees.
You don't have to agree with everything every Lubavitcher does, but please keep in mind a few things:
1-Don't put the actions of a few individuals on to a whole group.
2-If you are so intent that Chabad is so terrible, then please keep away from them even on vacation/business-or is OK because it's "bein hazmanim"???
3-learn the Rambam's halachos about Moshiach
4-Love yourself and love every Jew, not only on paper or in the classroom
5-there's no such thing as Kiruv Rechokim, cuz no Yid was ever "rachok". We all have Neshamos-some are just abit dustier than others (some of the dustiest ones just might be some frum people)
6-Ask yourself: Do I really want Moshiach NOW??? IF yes, what am I doing about it? And if no, well that's the biggest problem of all...
May we all as ONE NATION unite to bring about Moshiach NOW!!!
Enough of this terrible Golus!!!
Zei gezunt.


To some of the posters:
Parsha Korach just past.
Learn a lesson of what can happen to people who disrespect and/or try to belittle the leader of the generation.
And be like Korach's sons and ask for Mechila from the Lubavitcher Rebbe for saying such despicable and disrespectful things.


you guys are a bunch of miskugaim who aren't saying any of what you're saying in the honor of torah. you guys are all saying this just to get a good laugh. that's a real avodah zara. just because chabad has a sect which is totally nuts and not normal it doesn't mean you need to make them look as though they are the whole chabad which is exactly what the filthy poster of this website is trying to do and talking about korach maybe you should shut this website becuase judism is not about increasing fights. in addtion these people are clearly not listening to what the rebbe said in his sichos and chabad is defined by how the acted and dictated. i think the poster of this website and anyone who wrote not bekoved about the rebbe should go to the ohel and beg mechila. iy"H we'll all go to yerusalim with moshiach and these stupid fights will end.


They recently nulified the Cherem Dirabenu Gershon in Lakewood.

( for those of you who don't know what Cherem Dirabeun Gershon is..... It was that a man can only marry one woman)

the reason they did it in LAKEWOOD IS ...





The last post of Cherem D'Rabeinu Gershom simply shows how those who have no idea what the inside of Gemara looks like desperately makes sure that nobody else will either. It also displays the incredible intelligence of the poster, since while talking of Sinas Chinam he amply practices what he is preaching against. Perhaps this particular Chamor Bli Daas ate some weed, or simply traces his amazing Yichus to a distinguished Spanish family of Don Qui. In either case, polemics isn't his forte.


Anyone reading these posts can notice that the Rebbe, or his memory weren't mentioned or debased, some of his followers, however, were, and duly so. Dear defenders, instead of sending others on a guilt trip, look in your own filthy backyard, and perhaps try to understand why religious Jews of varied walks of life consider today's Chabad a sick little child who lost his footing when he switched his primer from Chumash to Sichos. Almost every Lyubav boy knows the exact dates of when the Rebbe stopped seeing people in Yachidus, at what time he gave out dollars, and the length of his gartel, whereas who Ravina or Rav Ashi were doesn't interest him in the least. Is it because they did't attend a drunken Farbrechen? Or is it because they were never arrested? It would greatly behoof today's Chabadniks to study Hilchos Talmud Torah in both the Rambam and the Shulchan Aruch Harav to see where the priorities lie.


Hey Lub, it's GershoM first of all, if you ever opened a Blatt Gemora and have seen his Peirush, secondly, try to explain to yourself who is self hating, when you, who claim to have a part in Torah HATE those who learn it, and that SICKOs are those benighted dimwits who send faxes to a corpse. Take a long break on a soft leather couch, speak out your frustrations to a professional, tell him your dreams about the second coming, take some antipsychotics, read a sicha or two and feel better.


To all anti-Chabad, antiRebbe people:

Did you ever daven at the kever or resting place of a tzadik or Rebbe?, if they are truly dead already, then why are you davening there, to a dead body?


WE daven to G-d at the grave of a Tzaddik, not to his corpse.

Thank you for revealing who YOU daven too at the rebbe's grave.


if you are davening to hashem, why go to a kaiver at all daven at home. sorry buddy but when you daven at a kaiver you are asking that tzadik to intercede on your behalf.


Yidden! Maybe it's time to start davening from the Eglish side of the page of your Artscroll Siddurim. Then count how many times a day you ask Ha-shem for Moshiach yourselves! Dovid Melech Yisroel Chai Vekayom. Yechi Hamelech!


Chabad Lubavitch is the only hope for Judiasm to survive in the upcoming years- they are the only ones bringing Yiddishkeit to countless chilonim and unaffiliated Jews who otherwise would have been lost to intermarriage or conversion to other religions, chas ve shalom. The Rebbe, zt"l, had deep love for every Jew- Yechi ha Rebbe Melech Ha Moshiach, le olam vaed, Adoneinu, Moreinu v' Rabbeinu. This is more than we can say for the Anti-Israel Satmars, who have pitted brother against brother and stand divided, and have been a shonda to the rest of the world through their bickering.


The last post wonderfully exposed Chabad philosophy, Ahavas Yisroyel is to love every Frei Jew and to hate every Satmar and non-lyubav, Sinas Yisroyel is to dislike Lyubavich with their Krumkeit. Who could have said it better?


As for the last hope for Klal Isroel, those are very big words, from a very small man, who is a part of a tiny cult branching off an eternal nation. How nearsighted!!! Imagine, after 3300 years of our existance, we are down to last resort, faxing our bakoshos to a Vaad sitting by the Ohel. I assume Hashem's promise to our forefathers hinges on our acceptance of a Messiah proclaimed as such by Chabad Women Organization, and sanctified by a Beis Din of greater Crown Heights, which includes Bedford Sty, and whose opinions aren't even asked about chicken pupiks. Nice twist to a twisted bunch of losers


For the uninformed here: In Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, Hilchos Elul, it is clear that there are 2 aspects of Davening at the kever of a Tzaddik. 1) Davening to Hashem in a holy place. 2) Asking the Tzaddik to daven and intercede on our behalf.
It is clear that 1) You cannot Daven to a Tzaddik. 2) You can ask him (even after his histalkus) to Daven for us.
Look it up!


"The REAL problem with Lubavitch is that they don't eat milk and Fish together. Even reform Jews know that lox and bagels go with cream cheese. What happened to minhag yisroel???"

The Beis Yosef writes that one is not allowed to eat fish with cheese. The Darkei Moshe followed by the Taz (3) and Shach (5) in Yoreh Deah 87.
The Pri Megadim paskens in Hilchos Bossur Bechalov 87 (mishbetzos 3) (and almost everbody seems to follow his pesak) that although fish with cheese (ie. cream from milk including cream cheese)is permitted, fish with milk is not allowed because of sakana.
Some allow adding cream to milk and then eating it with fish...


In the bagel store in crown heights they sell cream cheese and lox bagels.


it is so sad that everyone who is so careful about shmiras haloshan have no problem bashing lubavitch. In every community there are extremists and in lubavitch as well. It is AGAINST halacha to talk loshon hara especially when you dont know the facts. this will definitaly not bring moshiach. it is also BEYOND WRONG to put down a tzaddik and to compare him chas vashalom to a pope! no matter how much you hate lubavitch or chassidus you have no right to put down a goan and a tzaddik. the Rebbe helped hundreds and thousands and DIDNT discriminate if you werent lubavitch. having this sinas chinam will definitly NOT brig moshiach. so much pain and tzoros are hitting the jewish nation in general what does this childish fighting accomplish. how does it help our current situration. so get over your egos and stop bashing chabad!


p.s dont only post whats against lubavitch this is a open forum


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