
Thursday, July 05, 2007

Fire inspectors find crumbling wall under Gal-Paz sign

Oy Vay, My daughter was just there buying CD's for the 3 weeks.


Why cant jewish men stand up straight?
Why are there so many over weight jewish women?
Why do fire menn look better in kurtze hoizen than chassidim?


What do you know - we have ourselves a new shmekedik!


Why cant jewish men stand up straight?
a) Because of Anivus...
Why are there so many over weight jewish women?
b)Because of all the Kids they produce for their hunched over husbands?
Why do fire menn look better in kurtze hoizen than chassidim?
c) Why the hell are you even noticing that?

Comment Credit ---This article posted by Anonymous : July 05, 2007 5:46 PM


"Anonymous said...
Why cant jewish men stand up straight?"

I can not comment on the rest of this previous post but I will answer to the best of my ability. I am sure an MD or PT will correct me if I am wrong.
Standing straight or posture has a lot to do with trunk muscles and especially with the abs group. We do very little excercise of the ab muscles, walking, pushups, weights all do little for the abs. 5 minutes or more almost everyday doing mild ab excercises will eventually improve posture greatly but start under supervision of a PT. It is almost never too late, I changed poor posture at age 50.

Why there are overweight Jewish Women? Have you noticed the overweight Men? I think it is too much cake and kugel and too little excercise.

Why the firemen look better in shorts? As a man this one really went right by me, I just don't get the question. This is a blog for men only, the name is chaptzMen is it not?


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