Sunday, August 26, 2007
WOW!Isnt it beautiful how much business you can get around that area because of so many good yidden coming to daven SHACHRIS,MINCHA and MARRIV with minyan none stop all day!THANKS TO SHOMER SHABBOS AND ITS STAFF WHO DO AN OUTSTANDING JOB BEING "MIZAKEH ES HARABIM"with teffilah b'tzibur and parnasah to all store owners in the vicinity.MAY WE ALL IN THE ZCHUS OF TEFFILAH AND CHESED HAVE A HAPPY AND HEALTHY YEAR AND MERIT TOSEE MOSHIACH TZIDKAINU IN OUR TIME AMEN!
wow! wow! check it out! finaly the big grocery is here in town!!! it looks like some is going 2 take over the market!!
I'm not from BP and am a little confused. What's the significance of Mega 53 that it's getting so many posts here?
ok let me explain mega 53 is fourmanly called .shomer shabbos.. and ..H&D.. which was the only kosher grocery open late hours in boro park FOR YEARS
about 5 years ago miller appetizing expanded to super 13 ant started selling a full line of grocerys open late hours and a nice big store so by now H&d/shomer shaboss was doing bad and was about to go bust.came allong some investors and bought the place for $150,000
cash with taking over $300,000 in debt and now they are expanding to go in compatition with super 13 wich is a bad move because super 13 won't let him last to prove it lets see super 13 bougth off formaly goldsten grocery 1 block away for $1,000,000 with building when it was a dead store just so rosner's grocery should not come and compete so lets see who will prevale....... ok i now who
about 5 years ago miller appetizing expanded to super 13 ant started selling a full line of grocerys open late hours and a nice big store so by now H&d/shomer shaboss was doing bad and was about to go bust.came allong some investors and bought the place for $150,000
cash with taking over $300,000 in debt and now they are expanding to go in compatition with super 13 wich is a bad move because super 13 won't let him last to prove it lets see super 13 bougth off formaly goldsten grocery 1 block away for $1,000,000 with building when it was a dead store just so rosner's grocery should not come and compete so lets see who will prevale....... ok i now who
Give me good prices and who cares about the aesthetics and I'm there, a new sign or store does not help my wallet, all this nice stuff is included in your grocery bill. You want to be competitive than give good prices and you'll see how packed your store will be.
These guyz better watch their tuchus. I'm planning a hostile takover of the entire food market business on 13th Ave. Mega Shmegga you're wasting your time and efforts. I'm boot you over to Willy with my business savvy.
Berl Shpritzmach
Berl Shpritzmach
Super 13 just did an even bigger expansion too. They bought Roth Clothing around the corner and broke down the wall in the back.
Price war anyone???
Price war anyone???
OK boyz, get ready, get set,... go! It's high time we whip out those carts, polish up our credit cardes, and start shopping. So biug deal we gain a few more pounds....we'll just buy bigger clothing. Who cares if I'm a portly, and mein vieble is a 20 wide, we can always get tailor made clothing. I'm game, I can't wait till showtime begins! One thing is for sure....I'll be at the starting gate ready to break out and race. Bring it on!
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