Thursday, November 08, 2007
Legal and moral implications for the Mega 53 sidewalk slope
Yes, it's true, the Mega 53 sidewalk slope does make their store much more accessible to customers and helps boost business. The question is, what does it do for the people that are just walking past the store?
Here's the answer.
It is an absolute pain in the neck any which way you slice it. The slope makes it difficult for people, especially the elderly to walk on this street. Women pushing their baby carriages, especially double strollers, now have the absurd task of having to navigate a steeply inclined slope in the middle of Thirteenth Avenue.
This slope, that has been built without any sound engineering is bound to cause personal and property damage. According to an expert on civil litigation that we consulted, if and when the slope causes injury to person or property, Mega 53 will be held completely responsible for both the physical and emotional damages, due to their gross negligence.
What was going through their minds when they decided to build it? Were they thinking about the elderly people that will be sliding all over the place as soon as the first snow comes? Or were they just thinking about making an extra buck, like when they crowd the entire sidewalk with their stock as if the entire street belongs to them and nobody else has a right to walk there.
The fact is, this slope is a Bor B'rshis HaRabim and an egregious violation of our basic quality of life. Sooner or later someone will get badly hurt because of it and it will end up costing Mega 53 some serious money.
So the question is, is it really worth it?
Yes, it's true, the Mega 53 sidewalk slope does make their store much more accessible to customers and helps boost business. The question is, what does it do for the people that are just walking past the store?
Here's the answer.
It is an absolute pain in the neck any which way you slice it. The slope makes it difficult for people, especially the elderly to walk on this street. Women pushing their baby carriages, especially double strollers, now have the absurd task of having to navigate a steeply inclined slope in the middle of Thirteenth Avenue.
This slope, that has been built without any sound engineering is bound to cause personal and property damage. According to an expert on civil litigation that we consulted, if and when the slope causes injury to person or property, Mega 53 will be held completely responsible for both the physical and emotional damages, due to their gross negligence.
What was going through their minds when they decided to build it? Were they thinking about the elderly people that will be sliding all over the place as soon as the first snow comes? Or were they just thinking about making an extra buck, like when they crowd the entire sidewalk with their stock as if the entire street belongs to them and nobody else has a right to walk there.
The fact is, this slope is a Bor B'rshis HaRabim and an egregious violation of our basic quality of life. Sooner or later someone will get badly hurt because of it and it will end up costing Mega 53 some serious money.
So the question is, is it really worth it?
Well said Chaptzem.
I am very conflicted:
On one hand, I would like them to learn their lesson via a lawsuit, and remove the obstacle.
However, at the same time, I do not want there to be a victim who will have gotten hurt, resulting in the learned lesson.
Thirdly, the victim will most likely not go to court and sue for millions due to the communal stigma on a yid who sued a fellow yid for millions.
I hope they make the necessary changes BEFORE there is a victim and/or lawsuit.
Thanks for so eloquently bringing this issue to light.
I am very conflicted:
On one hand, I would like them to learn their lesson via a lawsuit, and remove the obstacle.
However, at the same time, I do not want there to be a victim who will have gotten hurt, resulting in the learned lesson.
Thirdly, the victim will most likely not go to court and sue for millions due to the communal stigma on a yid who sued a fellow yid for millions.
I hope they make the necessary changes BEFORE there is a victim and/or lawsuit.
Thanks for so eloquently bringing this issue to light.
Chaptzem, you seem so obsessed with mega53, what the owner of super13 is your cousin. Get a life, I personally like the new store, the slope doesn't bother me.
By the way who was your consultant, Your chaver Yosel in the mikva, lol
By the way who was your consultant, Your chaver Yosel in the mikva, lol
What were you on when you wrote this article? Take a deep breath and calm down. A little slope is not the beginning of Armagedon. You're blowing things way out of proportion! They don't block the sidewalk any more than any other number of stores around Boro Park. As for your 'major' issues, may I suggest some therapy? If anybody is ruining our quality of life, it's you with these slanderous posts! Just move it on and get a life.
chaptxem u have a point but where is located? whats all the hype? can we get some pictures from this slope so everyone knows what youa re talking about so it dosnt sound bad
Yeh yeh ... I'd also like to see sopme close up shots of this major slope. I'n not saying Chaptzem is right or wrong. But maybe , just maybe we should go easy on him. After all Mr. Chaptzem keeps all us guyz busy with his breaking news. We just gotta love 'em.
With all due respect SUPER13 is worse, every one is reading the papers outside and all the garbage and trash from SUPER13 please give me a brake you must be SUPER13
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