Wednesday, November 07, 2007
I am saddend to hear of the loss of yet another tzaddik who lived amoung us. Can someone post the address of His Beis Medrash? May we only know of simchas!
Feivel Stomper
Feivel Stomper
He R"L lost a son a few years ago. He has a younger brother who is his son in law. Rabbi Avraham Chaim Steinwurzel is married to his granddaughter. He left over a beautiful family. Yehai Zichro Boruch
Question- if I can come up with the name of a town in europe that doesent have a rebbi or rov, can I then claim to be that rov of that town?
Four Questions: Any one know how old the Rav was?
What was the name of his son that was niftar? How old was the son? When did he pass away?
What was the name of his son that was niftar? How old was the son? When did he pass away?
hey pending,
The Rav was actually a rav in the town of margareten before the war. Get your facts straight before you go off blowing your big mouth and brilliant mind.
The Rav was actually a rav in the town of margareten before the war. Get your facts straight before you go off blowing your big mouth and brilliant mind.
According to the paperwork, the Rov was 100 years old.
His son, Meir Shmuel A"H was an exceptional person in every way. He was the husband of Rebbitzen Chavie Kleinman, former principal of Satmar Girls School in BP.
I don't know any details but I figure he passed away around 15 or so years ago.
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His son, Meir Shmuel A"H was an exceptional person in every way. He was the husband of Rebbitzen Chavie Kleinman, former principal of Satmar Girls School in BP.
I don't know any details but I figure he passed away around 15 or so years ago.