
Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Original IntraVenous of Rabbi Solomon Shlomo Halberstam

You can own Reb Shloimele Bobover's intravenous for only $1,350,000 on auction

This is obscene. The glasses I can actually understand, hoping the money would be used for tzedaka but the IV is obscene, possibly regulated red bag waste.


Sorry but that item number on ebay was for a pair of his glasses.

Good try poor judgement


A good forgery. However, you can see that the "1," before the "350,000" was added in (the commas are different). You can also tell because only the word "intravenous" is inserted instead of the original "glasses" with a slightly different font, and it still says that it was "worn by the Rabbi for Two Decades."

Just because it's on the internet doesn't mean it's true.


a little early for april fools


something like this doesn't even exist on ebay.

Stop playing such practical jokes you prankster.


Any comments about Rabbi Kenneth Auman having divorced his wife and got engaged to the x-wife of one of his shul's officers. Mati Klein formerly the director of L'man Bnos Yisroel will be marrying Rabbi Kenneth Auman of the Young Israel of Flatbush. Chasuna is planned for January 2008Mazal Tov.


ia this iv also suppose to have a shemira/segula forbthe one that buys it? If so, what's the shemira?

How did the seller get a hold of the iv?


even if this is real, WHICH IS A TRUE PRANK> what does anyone get out of buying the IV?

Go donate that money to a tzedakah organization.


Is this item still for "SALE"?


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