
Friday, December 21, 2007

Spinka Rebbe UPDATE --- Bail for Spinka Rebbe set at $250k

Bail for the Spinka Rebbe was set at $250,000. Sources say that the bail money was put up by the Spinka Rebbe's Mechiten, R' Berish Meisels, Satmar Ruv of Boro-Park.

where to rebbes get this kind of money to fork over? and then they come to me for donations?


how about the others are they still in?


The bail is 2.5 Million for the Rebbe and $2.5 Million for the Gabbai. The court WILL NOT accept cash, only property ans for now only property in Los Angeles. Ballei Batrim in the Los Angeles kehilla are putting up the properties. Tomorrow morning is the bail hearing.


come on!!

you know this case is going nowhere

(picture this)
ladies & gent's of the jury look at this man and tell me he gave back 95%???

case dissmissed!


Can somebody explain why anybody intheir right mind would put their house up on bail for a theif? Anybody can pretend to be a Rebbe, but where is the honesty? Bottom line, however you look at it, this has been one massive chillul Hashem. I don't think the Baal Shem, or even the earlier Rebbes of Spinka would have acted in such a low fashion.


everyone is out besides the rebbe and the gabbai


"Can somebody explain why anybody intheir right mind would put their house up on bail .."

Because Hashem told us to.

Pidyon Shvuyim is one of the most important Mitzvos and CHIYUVIM we have.

Any time we have a way to get any Jew out of jail/prison we need to do it. No matter what he/she is accused of.

Some of us that that chiyuv seriously. Satmar, as well as other chassidim are famous for putting up the money or doing whatever they could to get fellow yiddin out of prison.

NO! Not only fellow Chassidim, but Young Israel men and women, or even non religious people. To get a Jew out of jail/prison is a chiyuv and a great mitzvah.

Bikur Cholim and Pidyon Shvuyim are biggies.

We do it because they are Jews, and G-d told us to. And because they are people we love. Even a Jew who makes a mistake, do we stop loving him/her?

Have you never made a mistake?

Are you not capable of making the mistake of thinking, "Maybe it is not so bad to do this thing with a foreigner's money, to earn money to support these kids in yeshiva whose parents can't pay schar limud."

True it may be wrong. But we are not talking about evil.

And, even it were a horrific crime, which this is certainly not, it is still our chiyuv to love them, and to try to free them.


who is gonna give tish?


does anybody have any pics of the rebbe in a jailsuit?


If you live in New York and fill up your gas tank in New Jersey and drive back to New York, you are legally required to report the purchase and pay New York sales tax on that gas.
So how many of you "commentators" don't evade taxes?

The problem here was the extent they went to do it. Phony receipts, wire transfers, secret accounts, etc.
No one is a tzaddik, but even human foibles have their limits and this type of stuff is over the top!


Everyone is quick to judge the rebbe as quilty without even knowing the facts. It amazes me how people are so immature. You want a picture of the rebbe in a jail suit?? Is that some kind of sick fantasy? You are nothing but a pervert.


Its Not true, the spinka rebbe is not yet on bail, he ia sceeduld to apper today at court in las angelas 11:00. and his gabbai zigelman 9:oo,


"Pidyon Shvuyim is one of the most important Mitzvos and CHIYUVIM we have."

Is this really Piyon Shvuyim? They're not being held for ransom or to be sold as slaves. They're not being held in a Soviet gulag. They're being held for bail on felony charges. They can only be arrested if there is "probable cause" which means that there had to be some evidence linking them to a crime. Suspicion alone is not enough.

"Have you never made a mistake?"

Some mistake. Like it never occured to them that maybe what they were doing wasn't right.

"Are you not capable of making the mistake of thinking, 'Maybe it is not so bad to do this thing with a foreigner's money, to earn money to support these kids in yeshiva whose parents can't pay schar limud.'"

OK. Let's say someone robs a bank to support a yeshive thiking "Maybe it is not so bad to do this, to earn money to support these kids in yeshiva whose parents can't pay schar limud." This kind of logic is really flawed. You can't justify commiting a crime this way.

"And, even it were a horrific crime, which this is certainly not, ..."
Even if you don't think stealing from the government is a crime (though the money basically comes out of our own pockets), it is still a tremendous chillul Hashem, and remember what the kapporah is for a chillul hashem. People in the secular world expect that religious people and their leaders to at least be moral and honest and become really cynical about us when we're not.


Spinka Rabbi & Zeiglman Are out on Bail!!!


to anon @ 12:00 pm
forget about what he did or did not do. the trial may bring out the facts.

While you seem to think you know and understand the legal Jargon, you dont seem to know the system. Innocent until proven guilty stops once you are taken into custody.

There are no real laws once you are put in the PEN. Especialy, prior to Trial. You are at the mercy of gangs etc.

So Big shot, think before you talk.


Al Tudin Es Chaveirchu Ad Shetagia Limkomo, Says the Mishne in Avos


I am verry frustrated to read bloggers calling the Rebbe "ganev" etc. let someone - ANYone come forwad to state that the rebbe stole a penny from them.

We are living in a great country - true - but it is NO?T a malchis shel chessed, by any stretch of the imagination, for starters just ask the detainees in Gitmo. Puting this aside, don't be misled for one second that the holy Baal Hatanya, and the Holy Riziner who where also imprisoned, where imprisoned "innocently. They were sentenced by public trial, etc. etc.
The real shame here, as in most other cases, is the mosrim.
For all those that feel better name calling this Rebbe, who has the most chushiv yeshivah, kollel etc, in the world, I strongly suggest that you seek in your own closets, and be lucky that you are the big nobody that you truly are, and that you never had or will have the opportunity.


re:Al Tudin Es Chaveirchu Ad Shetagia Limkomo.

Better said: "Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes!!" ;)


Bull...It was 2 million for the Robber I mean Rebbe and 1.5 million for the ganver I mean Gabbai


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