
Monday, February 11, 2008

The beauty of Hasidism 

Clip sent in by Shmully R.

This is not the Beauty of Hasidim, this is the Stereotype of what people THINK chassidus is like.. how utterly asinine.


Does anybody know the name of this episode and when it aired?


This aired last Tuesday, it definitely did not put chassidim in a good light.
It was S04E12 "Don't Ever Change".


If this reflects your opinion of the beauty of hasidim, a rachmunis oif deer!!


this was an episode of the show HOUSE on FOX TV. Correct the way they make it seem is very BS!!!


this is from house its a friend of mine singing under the chuppah




do you really expect anything different from the self-hating,assimilationist anti-semitic jews who run the media?


That eshes chayil was sung by one raw BT. Why can't BT's learn how to read!!!!!!


Wow, can u abbreviate all episodes of House like that for me? :)


Does anyone know Steven Hill? Ask him!


what more can you expect from a show so removed from reality - a) no hospital has such a passion to get to the botttom of illness with these team meetings etc -- have you spent time in a hospital - the doctor floats in once in the early a.m. hours, then hurries off to his Park Avenue office, etc.
b) this show has a drug-addicted doctor calling the shots and always being right.
so, if the drug-addicted, always-right House makes fun of my way of life, calling me a fool, I can't take him too seriously


Anonymous, February 12, 2008 8:37 AM:

Are you sure you're talking about House?

You seem to be describing Maimonides.


Great clip!


I hated this.
This guy was so nasty about frumkeit from start to finish.
Even when he was proven wrong about his suppositions as to her subintentions and suicidal tendencies, and HASHEM gives him the insight to figure it out,
he blames it on HASHEM - your contractor screwed up when he hung your kidney like a chandelier using only one chain.
The black guy with no obvious Jewish background is more accepting than he is.
The nurse is more respectful of her choices than he is, and it would irk me no end the irony that HASHEM blessed this &*()head with so much insight and opportunity to see His hand and he relegates it to the trash heap every time.

As to reality vs TV, they'd never let you light candles near someone on oxygen.
As to which hospital the docs get together on a regular basis from different fields of practice to discuss a patient: Memorial Sloane Kettering Pediatric.
Nowhere else I am aware of.


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