
Thursday, April 03, 2008

Felder's signs don't work too well 

Councilman Simcha Felder's signs not to place unsolicited material obviously don't work too well. Maybe he should have printed them in Spanish, that way the people placing the unsolicited materials could actually read it.

It's not the law yet!!!


They need to paint the steps.lol


I believe that a visit to
Home Depot is needed.
Some paint and basic repairs
it needed. I wonder what the
inside of these homes are


This is funny. I drove down 47th street in BP today and kept passing houses with these signs and I couldn't tell at all while sitting in my car, what these signs said! Not only are they ugly, you can't read 'em, the words are too small!


The law that was passed in Albany require that the sign have these wordings and letter size.

The one in the car doesn't have to be able to read it. The one throwing the papers on my door step has to be able to read it.


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