
Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Movie being filmed in Boro-Park 

Parking will be not allowed on many streets in Boro-Park due to a movie being filmed. Who knows, maybe Abe Karpen is in it.

the movie is called "South Dakota"


Do the rabbi's know this yet?
Bet they (rabbis) will demand
that the local people stay
indoors or away from the
filming of the movie.
God forbid they see the world
outside of Boro Park.


actualy filming jewrasic park




pick me pick me to take abe over


It's a huge inconvenience. The traffic gets backed up, parking spaces are non-existent and sometimes it takes weeks for the filming to be done.


What kind of a community are we? Erev Pesach we need this headache?

Where are our LEADERS who ask for our votes? Where are they when we get hit with such inconvenience, let alone the fact that our kids will be out of school and hang around all this Pritzus or whatever is anathema to our values?

We are a bunch of certified idiots!


I knew that someone will pop up and blame the elected officials.

I think it's great that we have politicans so we could blame them for everything that someone thinks its wrong.


finally a kol koreh in english


yoy! i vant to know whhy dey vood do sucha thing? its like boropark!??!!? i know dat the teena baygels must tink dey Aare hocking, but its not right! its just not right! and..on erev passover! i am in shocked!


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