
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Na-Nach van in Boro-Park 


This fool comes from New Jersey
to make alot of noise in
Brooklyn. Look at the plates
on this van....


i dont know about you guys but its been in monsey for a week or two i think thats where one of the guys live (on forshey road)


get the moshiach mobile to go driving with him & we can have a road ralley!


Isn't the guy in the picture doing the same pose as Swami Maharandatha just before he performs the astral levitation trick?
I think there is a Kabalistic text that describes this posture as the one Eliyahu Hanavi engaged in just before he levitated himself to shamayim.
Hmmm.... I seem to remember a similar epiosde about 20 years ago right after I inhaled some good mexican red.


Guys! these folks would NOT have put put a Kol Koreh to stop a Jewish Concert- They're too Achdus and peace loving. Give 'em a break.




The Song of the Redemption Na Nach Nachma Nachman Meuman will be spread throughout the world. It is a reason for rejoicing and dancing in the streets that Hashem gave us a Tzadik like Rabbai Nachman that can heal and correct the whole world if only we believe and accept his advice.


One of kids had the same problem but we took her to a speech specialist and she speaks just fine now.


Hey Erv Rav accept nanach since that is your only tikkun. Also keep your kids away from Eretz Yisroel since we are grabing them by the dozen and turnning them NAnach.


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