
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Police Officers park at bus stop to get some donuts 


looks like a job for Jimmy Justice!


infact the officers were chatting about, what coffee to get.


I took a short hiatus from my video vigilante career to celebrate pesach.

I want to wish everyone a chag kosher v'sameyach.


what's the chiddush?




I don't c what's wrong? They're allowed to eat chametz on pesach


Hey Jimmy! Great to see ya here, I'm a big fan of your work :)


Everyone in BP parks at Bus Stops. What's the big deal! Let's get some real news like the News Stand on 13th Ave. Now THAT'S news!!!


You know what's even worse? You're not gonna believe it, but cops are allowed to go through red traffic lights.


They were working on a big case.......of donuts.


Jeez relax, Officers risk their lives
everyday for you when they wear that uniform and all you can do is complain about some traffic violation...Next time there is a burglar in your house with a gun call a crackhead...


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