
Friday, May 09, 2008

Lipa Schmeltzer turns to politics 

Scorned Chasidic performer Lipa Schmeltzer chaps a schmooze with New York City Council candidate Joe Lazar. Is Lipa endorsing him or seeking his support now that he's been betrayed by others.


hey babe my dear lipa we finally get to see you
there are a lot of us that miss you dearly
hoping to see you soon on stage

hang in there es vet altz zein gut


Wow! Joe really does know everyone. I guess that comes with 35 years of experience. Joe keep up the good work. You have my vote!


Chaptzem, please change your word "scorned", to "celebrated". Let's have some accuracy here please.




Who in the world is Joe Lazar?

And "35 years of experience" in what?


I can now sleep tonight after seeing such news.





Can you write a song for Joe's Victory Party?


Joe Lazar is seeking Lipa's celebrity endorsement, just as presidential candidates seek Hollywood celebrity endorsements.


Who is Joe Lazar?
Nerver heard or saw this guy.
What is he running for?
If he wins will we still see him? cause i never saw him before.


Can Any1 Tell Me Who's Joe LazEr


He looks like he lost weight...nice shirt. I think that's an iPhone in his hand. Spiffy.

So what's the deal Chaptzem? Are you like a celeb stalker or stam doin' some paparazzi work?


P.S. Anyone know when Lipa's new album is due out?


well, if the Rabbi's don't give it up to Lipa,(his show cancellation) why not find other supportrs?!


Joe Lazar is running for Simcha Felders council seat next year because Simcha is running for controller. Great guy not a Baal Gayva and PR Fresser. So you may not know him but he is a great guy. You will be hearing a lot about him in the coming months.


Lipa is a loser ! after giving in to the rats a few mounths ago i have lost all my respect to him...


Loser with Lazar!!


Lipa had to back out. Gertner was getting out of hand and thats why they had to ban the concert. And once Gertner backed out,Lipa couldnt just perform himself. It would not be right to all those people who just bought tickets to see Gertner. Lipa's mistake was joining such a contraversial singer like Gertner. If only he would've been with a less contraversal singer than Gertner, the concert probably would not have been canceled. It's not fair I tell you!!! What does everyone have against Gertner? Why is Gertner not allowed to make a concert and everyone else can?


Lipa should run as Joe's Vice Councilman. This is the experience that we need in City Hall! A retired pencil pusher and a has-been singer!


Lipa is not a has-been. Even while looking SHOT he still looks cooler than everybody else.


Well I know a lot of guys who'll give everything to be in his "has-been" position. I think he's asking 4000 a night, and he he is busy every night! I don't know another jewish "has-beener" making that money


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