Friday, May 16, 2008
Skverer Rebbe pushes for two Hatzalahs in Skver, one for men, another for women
According to this 'B'Chatzar Ha'Koidesh', Skverer Rebbe feels that it is very important that Skver Shtetel have two seperate Hatzalahs, one for servicing the men and the other for the women.
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Sent in by a Chaptzem reader

dont know if this is a joke . but who will the volenteers be men or women? if its gonna be women , women arent allowed to drive in skver.
Wrong, Only one Hatzalah, one phone number and one dispatch.
They are only adding women responders, that will respond when aided is female “when possible”.
They will work it out that it will (almost) always be feasible, but will not chas v’shalom hinder being matizl afilu nefesh achas m’yisroel.
Ambulances will still be driven by men only.
Not only is this a big step forward in rochnius, but b’gashmius as well, think of the mind state of a chas v’shalom sick, injured or hashem should help only oif simchas female patient when being treated by women versus men.
M’menu Yilmedu V’chein Yasu.
They are only adding women responders, that will respond when aided is female “when possible”.
They will work it out that it will (almost) always be feasible, but will not chas v’shalom hinder being matizl afilu nefesh achas m’yisroel.
Ambulances will still be driven by men only.
Not only is this a big step forward in rochnius, but b’gashmius as well, think of the mind state of a chas v’shalom sick, injured or hashem should help only oif simchas female patient when being treated by women versus men.
M’menu Yilmedu V’chein Yasu.
Of course, otherwise we could have a disaster like they had in Saudi Arabia when 19 girls died in a fire when the male fire department refused to enter their school because of "tznius". Chosid Shoteh!
1. Who will drive the ambulance?
2. What happens if their is a cake baking in the oven when a call comes in?
3. What if the woman is queasy?
2. What happens if their is a cake baking in the oven when a call comes in?
3. What if the woman is queasy?
I once inquired into training for hatzolah. As a woman I would definitely prefer a woman to help me, and I only use female doctors. However, I was told it's a lack of tznius for a woman to be on Hatzolah with males. Of course, if they can have a non-Skver or non-Yehudis woman drive the women, why not? I think it's a great idea, but are they sure the men won't wait to go because they hope a woman will go?
curious 3:34 pm - what if a woman is queasy? how ignorant are you??!? what if a MAN is queasy!
I am a woman, I live in flatbush, and im currently in medical school. I have a wonderful ehrlich husband, and ka'h a beautiful child. Some women are more geshikt and capable than you think, Im sorry if the only ones YOUVE been exposed to get queasy at the smell or sight of anything other than shnitzel or soup.
This is WONDERFUL. I wish FB hatzoloh would institute something like this. It is so much more tzniyusdik and will make COUNTLESS numbers of women more comfortable. And if "their[sic] is cake in the oven," im sure the cake will just burn for the sake of tremendous schar theyre getting, running to do such a mitzvah. just like, "what if a man is in the middle of a sugya" or "what if a man is in the middle of working," or "what if hte man is in the middle of sleeping," "eating," etc. You stop, for hatzolos nefashos. period end of story.
its amazing that there are people so ignorant out there who actually know how to operate internet explorer.
I am a woman, I live in flatbush, and im currently in medical school. I have a wonderful ehrlich husband, and ka'h a beautiful child. Some women are more geshikt and capable than you think, Im sorry if the only ones YOUVE been exposed to get queasy at the smell or sight of anything other than shnitzel or soup.
This is WONDERFUL. I wish FB hatzoloh would institute something like this. It is so much more tzniyusdik and will make COUNTLESS numbers of women more comfortable. And if "their[sic] is cake in the oven," im sure the cake will just burn for the sake of tremendous schar theyre getting, running to do such a mitzvah. just like, "what if a man is in the middle of a sugya" or "what if a man is in the middle of working," or "what if hte man is in the middle of sleeping," "eating," etc. You stop, for hatzolos nefashos. period end of story.
its amazing that there are people so ignorant out there who actually know how to operate internet explorer.
This is just another step in the Talibanization of Chasidus and Chareidim. One hundred years from today, current Yiddishkeit will be unrecognizeable. I have no doubts that fundamentalist Islam and Ultra-Orthodoxy will be indistinguishable.
so someone will call in and theyll hear a female voice and say hold on ill connect you through to a female representative. I dont get how it will work
I have an emt license and as a woman I would love to volunteer to help other women in their time of need, but here in BP and Flatbush that is ASSUR! Mayber Skver will lead the way!
If you are worried about tznius , this will create a bigger problem because inevidably there will be more mingling of men and women this way. Your saying the patiant is uncomfy with women , i understand . But would you prefer having men and women at every call which would create a mingling issue/? Franklyi dont see the gain
To the anonymous female doctor: As a mother to children ranging in age from 2 to 17, while I appreciate the sentiment of female EMT's and their desire to attend to other females, it is one more thing which will take mothers away from their children. As if working away from home and communal obligations aren't disruptive enough to the home. Let the men do this job!! If the mothers to grown kids are willing, then fine. Otherwise, it would be nice to see women feel a little bit more dedicated to the roost.
Let me see if I understand this. It's supposedly an emergency, yet you put in a gender request? When you get to the emergency room, does that apply to the nurse who draws your blood, the tech who takes your x-ray, the registrar?
Where does this nonsense stop?
Where does this nonsense stop?
Suppose that there are only two Hatzalahniks available to go out in the ambulance. If one is the woman, and the other is the man who is driving, does this not present a yichud problem?
This is ridiculous!!!
Were could I apply to become a female EMT???! I'm not skver so I could also drive the ambulence!!
Were could I apply to become a female EMT???! I'm not skver so I could also drive the ambulence!!
NOT TO BE BELIEVED!!! Will grocery stores be obligated to have separate cashiers for each gender? This is sick. For those who want to live this lifestyle, it already exists. THIS IS NOT THE YIDDISHE WAY!!!!
I don't see why everyone thinks there'll be a problem of wasting time while they decide who will be on call. The dispatcher merely has to find out if the patient is male or female and then direct the call to the proper emts male or female.If there are male and female patients in case of an accident chas vesholom a male emt will attend to the male(s) and a female to the female(s). Why is everyone making such a big deal of this?
for all those who are not understanding, the talk is only about woman servicing woman in special cases like delivering babeis etc. not for every female emergency call, cuz by this type of cases there is much more uncomfortable to have man doing this job. still not understandable?
are we expecting woman now to start leaving homes in middle of the night for emergencies? what about erev shabbos?
will they only take woman with maids?
The problem is we are be coming so insular that we make what shouldnt be a tznius issue a tznius issue.
The RAMBAM treated women. Why are we making ourselves out to be groiser tzadikim than we need to be.
Im for woman EMT, but it shouldnt be on a seperate basis.
I know if this isnt some joke, that the skver will figure out creative ways to make this literally work. However,
Is the next step assuring men going to female doctors or vice versa?
will they only take woman with maids?
The problem is we are be coming so insular that we make what shouldnt be a tznius issue a tznius issue.
The RAMBAM treated women. Why are we making ourselves out to be groiser tzadikim than we need to be.
Im for woman EMT, but it shouldnt be on a seperate basis.
I know if this isnt some joke, that the skver will figure out creative ways to make this literally work. However,
Is the next step assuring men going to female doctors or vice versa?
2. halachically women may be better than men
3. the ONLY point is to see that the BEST,most CAPABLE emts are sent out, not determined by sex.
4. it makes for men being able to daven and let the women who are closer [not in shul] respond.
and there are most probably more women avaliable daily in skver.
5. vos shat, at least we will have more trained emt's, etc
6. maybe woman will have to learn to drive, will that be bad?
2. halachically women may be better than men
3. the ONLY point is to see that the BEST,most CAPABLE emts are sent out, not determined by sex.
4. it makes for men being able to daven and let the women who are closer [not in shul] respond.
and there are most probably more women avaliable daily in skver.
5. vos shat, at least we will have more trained emt's, etc
6. maybe woman will have to learn to drive, will that be bad?
I actually suggested recruiting female EMTs to Monsey Hatzoloh 15 years ago. The suggestion died without a wimper. I am certainly not a chasid (more of an anti-chasid; I still observe the G'RA's cherem.)but the issue isn't tznius, it's the confort of the patient. No matter how idiotic I think it is for a woman to avoid being treated by a man, EMTs are thate to treat and give the best care possible to the patient, not to lecture her.
There are several Hatzoloh neighborhoods in the NYC area that do have woman EMTS who answer calls with men, drive the ambulance, etc.
Why don't you all use your siechel and try to understand what they mean by women hatzoloh members. They are only called for emergency deliveries. Only simcha's.
Its a no brainer. If woman can go to work to support their husbands in Kollel, then they should be able to go on Hatzolah calls. It is time to stop discriminating against woman in our community. They should be able to drive and be treated equaly to men and not like second class citizens.
So if a woman needs to be defibulated, should they wait for a woman to do it and let the paitent die, we can all say she died l'shem shamayim not too be over a lav.......ARE YOU PEOPLE OFF YOUR ROCKERS?!?!?! Who cares if there are woman and men hatzala members let whomever needs to be treaded be treated by whomever comes first! Good lord how far have we fallen?
how about not dressing like sluts and worring about alot of other hilchos tznius before makng a womens hatzala club????
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