
Thursday, June 05, 2008

Hasidic Hip-Hop star Matisyahu poses for a picture with Police Officers 

On the left is Officer Ayris and on the right is Officer Silverstein, a Jewish Police Officer.

The obvious question is "how do we know mr. silverstein is really Jewish?" I want to know 8 generations back before I accept it as given.


It looks like he has a Jewish nose,,, now what?????????????????????????????????????????????????


matisyahu isnt bresslauv anymore? wats he now??


yo matis what are you doin taking pics with the pigs


just by the way the the "holy jew"
who wrote "how do we know that officer silverstein is jewish" is making a big chilul hashem bec i happen to work with his mother and its very offensive to write something when u dont even know the person and its right before shavuous.... and you wanna know why there is unnecessary hatreds?
and you have no idea who this guy is and what help he has been to the crown heights community and he is a fabulous liason between the secular and jewish community


Like or dislike the cops, calling them pigs is unacceptable. The overwhelming majority of cops earn the title of "NYC's finest" every day.
Please remove that offensive post.


I think Officer "Iris", (on the left side of the picture, is a member of FDNY (fire Dep't.) Not NYPD (Police Dep't.) Just for the sake of accuracy!


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