Sunday, July 27, 2008
Attention Askanim - Treifene billboard hung on 13th Avenue on Shabbos
What is this billboard doing on 13th Avenue between 49th and 50th Streets?
At approximately 10:15 AM on Shabbos morning a crane was hoisting this billboard for installation. Appropriate for 13th Avenue? I think not!
Incidentally, the company that placed this billboard is OTR Media which is a Frum company.
Story and picture sent in by a Chaptzem reader
At approximately 10:15 AM on Shabbos morning a crane was hoisting this billboard for installation. Appropriate for 13th Avenue? I think not!
Incidentally, the company that placed this billboard is OTR Media which is a Frum company.
Story and picture sent in by a Chaptzem reader
Someone should find out who the owner of that building is and if hes jewish/frum make him return the rent for the billboard space and have them take it down. This is Boro Park even a Lipa - Big Event billboard is phorhibted.
Last time I checked this is the USA. Since is one precluded from placing a billboard up on private property? FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT. You don't like it move.
First ban all ("pashkavillen") papers that are loshen horah about other people then talk about that ad also if we make a issue about this then they won there fame that they are looking for
It is not necessarily "AMIRES LEAKUM" that it was put up on Shabbos. It is very possible that both the owners of the sign company and the owners of the building were not even aware that it was going up on Shabbos. It might have been an outside contactor who did so without the knowledge or approval of the owners
Put up triefene billboards in our sheltered community on Shabbos, and then give some of the profits of the business to tzedaka and its all KOSHER.
I'm still trying to figure out... What's wrong with this ad?? It's a black girl dancing! so what!! Controll yourselvs! Get A Life!!
Metro Sports Med which is involved with the KG fitness fiasco is now involved with this pritzus. How apropo.
metro sports med was only going to have a trainer available at KG. Which didn't work out. This is just a bad coincedence for them.
Don't be suprised if this or similar ads begin popping up on or near the Kosher Gym once the new owners take over. But of course "nothing much will change" at KG.
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