Friday, July 11, 2008
New Missionary Center in Flatbush
A New Missionary Center has opened at 1684 East 18th Street, between Kings Highway and Quentin Road, to ensnare the Russian Jews of Flatbush. Ironically it is next door to a Chassidishe Shteibel. It is the Chosen People Ministries.
Oh noooo....Thats right next door to Rabbi Rottenberg's Steibel. I daven there. There are 1,000's of Russiaan Jews in this neighborhood and walk the streets all hours of the day and night - Its bad enough we have these mamzerim at the train station handing out Missionay pamphlets on East 16th & Kings Hwy - But this is really way over the top - next to a shul to boot!
Please if anyone can actually do something, please get on it. I hope it burns to the ground. This is a nighmare in the making...
Please if anyone can actually do something, please get on it. I hope it burns to the ground. This is a nighmare in the making...
These missionaries will probably takke 'chaptzem', meaning the Jewishly-ignorant Russian immigrants, with promises of all sorts for this world and the next.
There will also probably be some feeble and futile protests against the center. The only way to stop such activities is by the frum community caring enough and reaching out with Ahavas Yisrael to show the warmth and beauty of true Yiddishkeit. Shiurim in Russian, invitations for a Shabbos meal etc. - that is the only way to go to counteract the threat!
There will also probably be some feeble and futile protests against the center. The only way to stop such activities is by the frum community caring enough and reaching out with Ahavas Yisrael to show the warmth and beauty of true Yiddishkeit. Shiurim in Russian, invitations for a Shabbos meal etc. - that is the only way to go to counteract the threat!
Encourage Russian yidden that you know to go to the shuls such as Kehilas Moreshes Yaakov and RAJE at the Jewish Center of Brighton Beach which both have back of rabbonim. This is a serious problem, but please, lets not trivialize this in materialistic terms like some American Jews are guilty of using in their patronizing of Russian Jewish immigrants. Many Russian Jews have succeeded in this country and do no worse than Americans that have lived here for many years; with the younger generation, this is no longer a matter of going to a messianic center for a meal, clothing or job opportunities.
Become familiar with Tovia Singer and his work.
Know Tanach well and hit the missionaries where they don't expect it - in their minds!!
Know Tanach well and hit the missionaries where they don't expect it - in their minds!!
Please if anyone can actually do something, please get on it. I hope it burns to the ground. This is a nighmare in the making...
July 11, 2008 2:39 PM
As bad as they are they are not doing anything illegal. I wish it were illegal but i`ts no different then opening up a shul, church or mosque next to a shul. Do u go burn down churches too? All u will accomplish with violence is prove to the russians that we are chayos and they will run anywhere but to us. Think before you spew hatered
July 11, 2008 2:39 PM
As bad as they are they are not doing anything illegal. I wish it were illegal but i`ts no different then opening up a shul, church or mosque next to a shul. Do u go burn down churches too? All u will accomplish with violence is prove to the russians that we are chayos and they will run anywhere but to us. Think before you spew hatered
someone must inform all anti-missionary organizations, beth shifra, jews for judaism etc. right away!!!
Someone can contact Yad Leachim.
I'm not sure of their contact details, but am pretty sure they work in the US as well.
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I'm not sure of their contact details, but am pretty sure they work in the US as well.