
Saturday, July 26, 2008

We love you Lipa! 

Wow, outside the home of R' Avrohom Shorr! What are the odds?


This show of support for Lips is displayed on the door of the nicest, kindest, most considerate people I've ever met. I am proud to know these wonderful people and wish them all the best always.


Well, we all love Lipa as much as we love every jew. The question is: should our children (and even the adults) listen to his music which is nochgemacht fin de goyim??? there are so many tapes out with eidele heimishe music why are so many people hooked with his music?


nochgemacht fin de goyim???

How about the clothing you dress your kids, that you buy at Whoopi's, Gymboree, Children's Place, or anywhere else? Is that not nochgemacht fin de goyim???

If you don't listen to goyishe music how do you know it nochgemacht fin de goyim??? If your kids don't know otherwise, they will never know its nochgemacht fin de goyim???


to anon 1:03 p.m.,didnt u notice that mbd copied 2 goyish songs:yidden and daddy dear.the song yidden is from a german group called dschingus khan and i looked up the translation of it,it talks about not nice things.


to anon 1:03, if you think lipa is bad bec. of his music,then how come you have internet? isnt it endangering your children that there are bad things on it that they shouldnt look?


S/o that is familiar with the sources of Chazzanish music said that alot of our most common davening tunes that we use every day, are from the church. Is this true?


To anon 6:45 i think youre a mechutzaf and youre lucky youre not standing next to me because i would give you tzvei petch


Where will i get the petch? anyway you think i cant give back?


First you will get in ponim, then the old fashioned way........... . . . .so you shouldnt be able to sit down a few days


to anon 10:39,why am i a mechutzaf?
you dont believe me the truth about mbd or that which is worse internet or lipa?
you just cant stand the truth and you like to back all the other singers and not lipa bec. hes the mafia right?


to Anon 3:44 PM

You R wrong:

Emes Goyish Clothing is also not good, But goyishe music changes someone.

I live next to a yeshiva & When i see somone with headphones i can tell u 100% what he listnes to.


no anon 1:03,youre the mechutzaf bec. youre brainwashed by the fact that lipa is worse than the rest of the singers,when one singer i mentioned to you already did much worse than him.check online the dschingus khan song english translation and then judge lipa.


to anon 10:24,your crystal ball tells you that every jewish people in the world listens to goyish music on their mp3 players?
do YOU THINK that LIPA is much more WORSE singing his music that some of it is GOYISH,or are there OTHERS that are much more worse than him?
you decide


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