Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Councilman Simcha Felder has signs hung at Martin Luther King Jr. concert
Councilman Simcha Felder has people hanging signs for his State Senate campaign at a Martin Luther King Jr. concert in the Wingate neighborhood in Brooklyn.

isn't illegal to post signs on lampposts? if mr felder is a proponent of a clean environment he should start with his own campaign.remember it is against the law to post signs in the public square.
I wonder why Felder is so despised in his own community. It is a shame, he was actually once a promising politician, I have no idea how he attracted so much hearted. Can someone explain this striking phenomenon?
According to published reports, Felder has shnurred over a million dollars! Think why it is so difficult to have real non-profit mosdos raise funds for their worthy tzdaka. He is simply competing with tzedaka.
It is illegal to post signs on lampposts. However, if one obtains a permit then it is not illegal. Simcha probably obtained a permit to do so.
think again, why would people need to give him this kind of money? He is collecting a descent salary from the city on top of all that. There is got to be a reason that people gave him all that money, I wonder why.
I was wondering where Felder is, he is not in Borough Park. Now I know he is on the other side of town, no wonder…
3:48, I don't think he is "despised" in his community. I think some of his constituents are frustrated....I think he's an honest man, I think his intentions are good, I just don't know how much he actually accomplished. Maybe it's time for him to step up to the plate and tell us WHAT he accomplished in his years in office.
You guys are a buch of losers!!!
Half the Senatge District is in that neighborhood, why shouldn't he campaign there too?
I don't see Felder himself from the pictures, I see a guy that works for him, SO WHAT???
What is wrong with that?
Half the Senatge District is in that neighborhood, why shouldn't he campaign there too?
I don't see Felder himself from the pictures, I see a guy that works for him, SO WHAT???
What is wrong with that?
What has MR. Felder done in the last years other then being Bloombergs Lawyer and mouthpiece. I can say almost nothing. All he did was go from one Radio show to the next interview and rally expalining how bloombergs ideas are the best.
I cant recall anything of value that he has done. He was lame and took on issues which nobody cared for. He is no Dove Hikend or even Noach Dear. He is leaving office now so I expect maybe some street lights will be repaired, but that is as far as he has done...
I cant recall anything of value that he has done. He was lame and took on issues which nobody cared for. He is no Dove Hikend or even Noach Dear. He is leaving office now so I expect maybe some street lights will be repaired, but that is as far as he has done...
Just a couple of items:
1. Martin Luther King is not giving any concerts.
2. Attaching posters to lamp posts or trees is absolutely illegal and there is no permit in existence that allows this. Why is the universal Borough Park excuse for doing something against the law, "the have a permit"?
1. Martin Luther King is not giving any concerts.
2. Attaching posters to lamp posts or trees is absolutely illegal and there is no permit in existence that allows this. Why is the universal Borough Park excuse for doing something against the law, "the have a permit"?
What has Felder done in the last years:
Got Hatzolah a property to build a new garage.
Repaired 18 Avenue park
Repaired Avenue L Park
Passed a law against the shmutzege flyer distribution
Certain streets during 8-9am don't have garbage trucks
Altermate side parking on Purim suspended
Millions of dollors to our organizations
Just a few that I know of
Got Hatzolah a property to build a new garage.
Repaired 18 Avenue park
Repaired Avenue L Park
Passed a law against the shmutzege flyer distribution
Certain streets during 8-9am don't have garbage trucks
Altermate side parking on Purim suspended
Millions of dollors to our organizations
Just a few that I know of
WOW, 6 years 2,190 days and Felder has accomplished what? Shmootizge flyers? No garbage pickup on certain streets, which one, his? Millions of dollors to organizations, which one? Get a life, dont we have more important things in our community to deal with. Oh and you forgot the erev pesach fires he wanted to stop, he was really occupied.
It was under Felders clock that we have a ticket blitz in BP, and under his watch that School vouchers were discontinued and under his watch that almost every Gov. grant was cut when I believe he could have lobbied.
So I ask what has Felder done for 6years other then parading Bloombergs ideas on the streets and on Brenners radio show????
It was under Felders clock that we have a ticket blitz in BP, and under his watch that School vouchers were discontinued and under his watch that almost every Gov. grant was cut when I believe he could have lobbied.
So I ask what has Felder done for 6years other then parading Bloombergs ideas on the streets and on Brenners radio show????
The only shmootsige flyers I am concerned are those ugly signs hanging on the doors, that he distributed. The rest are savings cupons we all could use after all the tickets we receive daily. I never found then shmootzig.
The parks were Bloombergs greener, greater New York project, as far as I am concerned.
However credit must be given where due. The non Jewish housing project may be Felders work, but he did get rid of those terrible Shmootzige flyers. At least he has his priorities straight.
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However credit must be given where due. The non Jewish housing project may be Felders work, but he did get rid of those terrible Shmootzige flyers. At least he has his priorities straight.