Sunday, August 24, 2008
Curb your Police horse
Hey NYPD, we appreciate you keeping our neighborhood safe with your horses, but please, clean up after yourselves.

I realize that despite the numerous references in the Torah to horses, that Chaptzem might be a little confused as to how they work but using a "pooper scooper" for a horse is, to say the least, impractical.
Your complaint should be with the Sanitation Department.
I, along with many other Jews, welcome any protection the NYPD is willing to give us, particularly on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Why do you always have a disagreement with the Police?
Your complaint should be with the Sanitation Department.
I, along with many other Jews, welcome any protection the NYPD is willing to give us, particularly on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Why do you always have a disagreement with the Police?
I would rather have horse manure in the street in front of my house then a used diaper thrown on my lawn by a neighborhood mother who has no respect for my property.
I walk around with a camera. I'm waiting for the day I see a policeman on a horse giving a ticket to a person who didn't clean up after the poo his dog made.
I would scoop it up and put it in my garden. It's cheaper than buying bagged manure. And it is preferable to diapers and dog doo any day.
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