Sunday, August 03, 2008
Picture of the new Yankee Stadium and an old Shul in its shadow
The new Yankee stadium nearing completion

Picture of an Old Shul, Congregation Sons of Israel, on Walton Avenue, in the Shadow of Yankee Stadium. From the time when the Grand Concourse was all Jewish.

Picture of an Old Shul, Congregation Sons of Israel, on Walton Avenue, in the Shadow of Yankee Stadium. From the time when the Grand Concourse was all Jewish.

you may be a mets fan,but this is yankee town!!!!!!more than half of people in new york are yankee fans.a stadium like the mets isnt so old like yankee stadium bec its from 1923 and the mets stadium is from 1964.big difference
That's because in today's day in order for a building to be considered a shul, it has to be in the basement. In the olden days, people actually built shuls.
i think this shul was run by a judge ?levi from the nearby court, and steinbrenner gave $$ to support it.
Putz it looks like a Temple because that's what temples look like, if you've ever seen one. And the name תקות ישראל isn't too comforting either.
does anybody know th history of the shul who was the rabbi--c from a born west bronxite who lived a bit further away
This was was an Orthodox shul back in the days when the Bronx was a frum (mo\ixed) neighborhood. Also, the name was Cong. Hope of Israel (Tikvas Israel). Just look at the inscription on the facade!! Many judges and lawyers from the nearby Bronx courthouse came to daven there or say Kaddish during the week.
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