Friday, August 29, 2008
Rabbi Says Lieberman was Excommunicated and it is Still in Effect

Eight years ago when Al Gore selected then-Democratic Senator Joseph Lieberman as his Vice Presidential running mate, an Orthodox Jewish Rabbinical court formally excommunicated Lieberman over his stands on partial birth abortion and homosexuality. The excommunication is said to stand to this day.
Rabbi Yehuda Levin spokesman for the Rabbinical Alliance of America and the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the U.S. and Canada, organizations representing over 1000 Orthodox Rabbis, told today that the excommunication is still in effect as Lieberman is in the final running as a potential VP pick for Senator McCain.
In October 2000, the New York Torah Court stated that Lieberman caused "grave scandal" for the Jewish religion "by the fact that, while claiming to be an observant Jew, [he] has been misrepresenting and falsifying to the American people the teachings of the Torah against partial birth infanticide, against special privileges and preferential treatment for flaunting homosexuals, and against religious intermarriage of Jews."
Rabbi Joseph Friedman, a spokesman and participant in the rabbinical court, said in a statement that Lieberman "violated our sacred Torah by his Senate votes upholding partial birth infanticide and legitimizing homosexuality, which abnormal and unhealthy behavior the Torah strongly condemns as sinful and immoral."
Rabbi Yehuda LevinRabbi Levin recalled his own participation in that process. “We excommunicated him to show that serious Orthodox Jews consider what Lieberman was doing a betrayal of the most basic values of our holy Torah. That excommunication, even though not widely acknowledged, is still one hundred percent spiritually valid.”
He explained to, “serious religious Jews who understand that the most important issues facing our country are the moral issues and know Senator Lieberman’s long and sad record of embracing partial birth abortion and the homosexual agenda realize that he’s the wrong choice for Vice President or for any high position in a McCain Administration.”
Rabbi Levin expressed concern that Christian pro-family leaders in America may be tempted to soft-pedal criticism of Lieberman due to his Jewish faith. “We call upon Christian pro-family leaders such as Gary Bauer, James Dobson, Don Wildmon, Tony Perkins et al. to raze McCain at the Republican Convention, he said.
“To revolt and say that Lieberman should he be appointed is unacceptable. It is only by respecting the pro-family values of Americans that McCain deserves to be President. If he should betray us I don’t think it bodes well for his political future or the future of the country.”

yehuda levin is a dope. he is an @#$ and i dont know how he got to speak on behalf of the ou. is that even true?
(this has nothing to do with the issue. i dont know whether or not lieberman is "excommunicated"
(this has nothing to do with the issue. i dont know whether or not lieberman is "excommunicated"
Is this guy really a spokesman for the OU?!!!
I'm suprised nobody excumunicated this simplton! His Chillul HaShem far surasses anything he says about Sen Leiberman.
I'm suprised nobody excumunicated this simplton! His Chillul HaShem far surasses anything he says about Sen Leiberman.
"Rabbi" Levin,
I see this excommunication worked just as well as the Lipa thing. Can you excommunicate or put a curese on some stock? I want to buy some aftewards and wait for it to go up. Since you're doing 2 for 2, i like the track record
I see this excommunication worked just as well as the Lipa thing. Can you excommunicate or put a curese on some stock? I want to buy some aftewards and wait for it to go up. Since you're doing 2 for 2, i like the track record
yehuda levin is NOT the spokesperson of the OU.
nothing against rabbi levin, but he's a spokeperson for himself. that's it!
nothing against rabbi levin, but he's a spokeperson for himself. that's it!
this ignorant savage should really get a job,
this criminally insane,piece of CHILUL HASHEM,speaks for no one but himself
this guy should be ignored by everyone
this criminally insane,piece of CHILUL HASHEM,speaks for no one but himself
this guy should be ignored by everyone
If you believe that Lieberman is "excommunicated," then do to this clown when you next have a real shayla.
He's not a spokesman for OU (union of orthdox jewish congregations of america) but for his fellow wackos in Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the U.S. and Canada (aka agudas harabonim)
I'd like to see Rabbi Eidensohn of Monsey, discussing Kollel and Shidduchim, featured here. A lot more interesting.
I dont know Rabbi Levin, but he is right. Why shouldn't we take a stand as Orthdox xtians do? Are we really blinded by money and fame?
This Mongol should hide someplace... I thought he is in an institution ... quite a few years we didn't hear from him... now he's back. oy vei
As far as I can determine, Rabbi Yehuda Levin is only a spokesperson for Rabbi Yehuda Levin. He has no followers and only a tiny congregation. He claims to be a spokesperson for an organization that has been defunct for many years.
If he truly represents others, why don't we hear of the Roshei Yeshivos and Gedolim supporting his stands? Seems he's simply a 1 man operation who craves media attention.
If he truly represents others, why don't we hear of the Roshei Yeshivos and Gedolim supporting his stands? Seems he's simply a 1 man operation who craves media attention.
I don't care which kehilla R' Yuda Levin represents. He represents Hkb"h. The Rebonu Shel Olem hates "toaivah". It's a chilul hashem that the rest of us are silent, when every other religion speaks up. It's a free country, so lets spread the word of G-D. Rabbi Avigdar Miller has said that it is forbidden to vote for those who support Gays or abortion rights.
You're saying that if you're daughter is raped that you would rather a judge, and not a Rov, decide her fate. Frum jews are repeatedly aligning themselves with the Christian right assuming that our values and beliefs are the same. This is a big mistake. For example: The Christian right believes that if there is a decision between the life of the mother or the life of the child that both are equal. We as Jews do not agree. Halacha says that you choose the actual healthy person over the possibility of life and health. With regards to gay rights both the orthodox Jews as well as the Christian right are gross hypocrites. Both religions put so much emphasis on "Loving thy neighbor" and "Don't do unto others" but everyone decided that they should hate and oppress instead. There is between man and man and man and G-d and it's not our place as people to judge. Leave it to G-d. The fact is that the Christian right just wants your soul and they just want to impose their religious beliefs on others. Jews, specifically frum, need to wake up and truly understand the relevance of "Separation of Church and State". Being a minority we're just a stones throw away from Inquisition 2.0.
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