Friday, August 01, 2008
Ten Frum people in new NYPD Police Academy class
According to an inside source, the new NYPD Police Academy class has in it ten Frum people, two of whom are Frum women, who will be graduating as Police Officers with the next class. The source further says, that Hasidic Police Officer Yoel Witriol's brother has decided to join the Police force as well and is amongst those ten Frum people in the new class. The two Frum women in the class claim to have gotten a Heter from their Rav to wear Police uniform pants, with the reason being that they differ from the male pants and are manufactured specifically for women cops and therefore do not fall into the category of 'Loi Silbash'.

Kudos to all these cops both male and female . Abot time people are doing what they truly want to do and not being dictated by thier shtelach.
The bigger story here is that Charedi rabbis are now permitting slacks. It could lead to mixed dancing, you know.
besides the problem of Loi Silbash there is the problem of Tznius
and i haven't herd of a ultra orthodox rabbi giving a heter the problem of Loi Silbash is a smaller problem since in todays day and age it's very usual for women to wear pants cosing that pants in the non jewish world is not a exclusive to either sex
and i haven't herd of a ultra orthodox rabbi giving a heter the problem of Loi Silbash is a smaller problem since in todays day and age it's very usual for women to wear pants cosing that pants in the non jewish world is not a exclusive to either sex
Is there anything that prohibits a frum Jew to become a police officer? Assuming they are granted the Sabbath as well other holidays off are there any other issues that would prevent this from happening? I'm not an Orthodox Jew so I am just curious. Someone please enlighten me.
But what if, God forbid, one of the religious police officers accidentally hears music by Lipa during the course of his work.
It could happen, you know. And I have not heard any Rabbi say that listening to Lipa is something one can be forgiven for.
It could happen, you know. And I have not heard any Rabbi say that listening to Lipa is something one can be forgiven for.
the culture we live in is that we expect to receive and don't give back. i agree that it's about time people choose careers that actually ASSIST the community we live in! thumbs up :)
I sure hope Mashiach will be here very soon....
Once we get too comfortable in any country, it's not too long before something big (and bad) happens. I just hope that this will be the final one.
Once we get too comfortable in any country, it's not too long before something big (and bad) happens. I just hope that this will be the final one.
anon 1040- why do comments on blogs never undestand sarcasm.websters defines sarcasm as "a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language". just to help u out, in the current case the intended effect is to decry the hearing of lipa while ignoring the pants wearing.
I want the name of the Rav so that I can wear pants too. Arent all womens pants manfactred for women??
to anon 3:11,u have to understand is even if the guy was or was not joking about lipa,its still a serious matter.there are people today that want to threaten him,they want to be better than him,and they want to think that lipa is worsed than any of the singer if you read the older posts on this the article about the rabbi breaking the kids pen,and look at all the comments,see where it went.
Congratulations to all and I wish them hatzlocho and safety with Hashem's help.They are courageous young people doing what is right.The rav who paskened about the uniform for the ladies knows what he paskened is correct.
i think it is time for "clall yiroal" to stop and relize at were we are "if somting can be done to save the at liss the majarety" ?
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