Thursday, August 14, 2008
UJCARE drive nets 5,312 new Hasidic voters in Brooklyn

Two incumbent Brooklyn Democratic elected officials facing tough primary challenges in districts that could turn on the Jewish vote showed up at City Hall this morning to praise UJCARE, a new Satmar social services organization, for it very successful voter registration drive.
Rep. Ed Towns and Sen. Marty Connor posed for photos with the UJCARE representatives, who announced they've signed up 5,312 new voters and delivered their registration forms today to the city Board of Elections.
Also on hand were Towns' opponent, Kevin Powell, who has been working hard to woo the Hasidic vote; and Councilman Simcha Felder, an Orthodox Jew whose ultimate success in ousting Sen. Kevin Parker rests largely on the idea that Parker and his other challenger, Councilman Kendall Stewart, will split the African American vote, while Felder nets all the Jewish voters.
Board Executive Director Marcus Cederqvist confirmed a large number of registrations had been received today, but he didn't have a firm count yet.
The registration deadline for new voters to be eligible to participate in the Sept. 9 primary is this Friday (Aug. 15).
UJCARE's press release noted that a recent Times article quoted Jerry Skurnik as saying the Satmar Hasidim represent 3,000 to 4,000 votes in a Democratic primary. Hoping to boost that number - and its political clout - UJCARE started a major registration drive several weeks ago and aims to sign up as many as 15,000 new voters.
UJCARE Executive Director Howard Katz said younger voters are the main focus of, and force behind, the drive, adding: "They realize, maybe for the first time, that they hold their future in their hands. Their vote counts. Their vote makes a difference."
Despite the fact that it is new and has no track record, UJCARE received $210,000 worth of Council discretionary funds in the latest budget, while a longstanding and rival group, UJO, saw its share of the member item pie dramatically decreased.
As one reader noted: Now that we know who stands to benefit from UJCARE's registration drive, the whole member item thing makes a lot more sense.

Simcha is beholden to Mike Bloomberg. He does everything the Mayor asks him to do, regardless of the interest of our community.
He promoted and advocated for the project near Chasan Sofer because he received hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions as payoff from the developers of the project.
He raised more than over $1,500,000 for his campaign kitty. Where from and what for is all that money?
He promoted and advocated for the project near Chasan Sofer because he received hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions as payoff from the developers of the project.
He raised more than over $1,500,000 for his campaign kitty. Where from and what for is all that money?
Altermate side parking on Purim is the only thing felder accomplished and has been flaunting since he got his job.
This is what Felder has accomplished.
1) He voted for raising real estate taxes 18%
2) He voted to more than double some parking fines
3) He was a strong advocate for building a new high rise building near Chasan Sofer. A building that would most likely be occupied by non shomer shabbos tenants. He did this even though the community did not want it.
4) He voted for congestion pricing
5) He has turned his back on his friend Joe Lazar in his city council race
6) The whole fine for feeding pigeons thing made him and frum jews look like idiots
7) He did not deliver funding to Agudath Israel this year
8) His ads on this site and others that try and scare you do vote for him or else are childish and insulting
1) He voted for raising real estate taxes 18%
2) He voted to more than double some parking fines
3) He was a strong advocate for building a new high rise building near Chasan Sofer. A building that would most likely be occupied by non shomer shabbos tenants. He did this even though the community did not want it.
4) He voted for congestion pricing
5) He has turned his back on his friend Joe Lazar in his city council race
6) The whole fine for feeding pigeons thing made him and frum jews look like idiots
7) He did not deliver funding to Agudath Israel this year
8) His ads on this site and others that try and scare you do vote for him or else are childish and insulting
According to your interpretation of Loshon Horah we should just vote blindly without looking at the merit. If I would expose his private life you would be right, but this is our right to know what he has done for us. What is the point of an election if you vote blindly? Simcha Felder has betrayed us and does not deserve to be in public office.
No way is this Loshon Horah. This is your country and you have a right to know who is going to steal your rights and misrepresent you so that he can receive money from Bloomberg, fly on his private plane and money from private investors.
No way is this Loshon Horah. This is your country and you have a right to know who is going to steal your rights and misrepresent you so that he can receive money from Bloomberg, fly on his private plane and money from private investors.
Felder has accomplished a lot during his term, but I think the suspension of alternate side on Purim was through the efforts of his predecessor. While Fedler may have supported some bills that we may oppose, one must look at the record of the present State Senator and Councilmember Stewart before voting. Parker is best know, not for any legislative iniative, but for a scuffle with a traffic agent. Stewart has not been accused of any wrondoing, but one of his staff members ran a phoney organization funded by tax dollars from Stewart, and another staff member was deported for being in the US illegally. No one can agree with their elected officials on all issues, but character does count.
Simcha Felder may have some flaws, but he's an honest man and a ben Torah.
Simcha Felder may have some flaws, but he's an honest man and a ben Torah.
To 1:37
A Ben Torah? Let him go to Kollel. In office we need someone who represents us. Character does not count at all, Guiliani had a nasty character but was a great mayor. We don't agree with 99% of Felders policies so what are you talking about? Do you like when your property tax goes up 18%, water 11%,fines doubled, support the congestion plan in Manhatten, endorsed Obama? Felder was the worst we ever had to represent us, not lame, but bad. Parker beat up a traffic cop, good, I am voting for him. Let remember the goverment is by the people for the people, not by Bloomberg for Bloomberg.
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A Ben Torah? Let him go to Kollel. In office we need someone who represents us. Character does not count at all, Guiliani had a nasty character but was a great mayor. We don't agree with 99% of Felders policies so what are you talking about? Do you like when your property tax goes up 18%, water 11%,fines doubled, support the congestion plan in Manhatten, endorsed Obama? Felder was the worst we ever had to represent us, not lame, but bad. Parker beat up a traffic cop, good, I am voting for him. Let remember the goverment is by the people for the people, not by Bloomberg for Bloomberg.