
Tuesday, September 02, 2008

90210 Not Cool in the 11211 

The utterly unnecessary return of 90210 to the small screen tomorrow means the arrival of giant billboards displaying the new cast. The Brooklyn Paper reports on one in which teens wear swimsuits and lounge in pools in the form of the 90210 numbers. The image can be seen from the BQE and hangs above Williamsburg--specifically in the Hasidic Jewish area. Rabbi David Niederman says, β€œIn Jewish law, it is forbidden to see any part of a lady that is not dressed β€” and having men and women swimming together is also not permissible, even if they are fully clothed.” (In the past, Hasids have rallied against an H&M ad.) To be fair, though, that girl in the "1" pool isn't swimming with any boys, so she's only half offensive.


one of the comments on the gothemist website is posted by some one calling him/her self Baby hitler maybe chaptzem can do somtjhin about it


awwwww ... poor baby chasidim are gonna see women in bathing suits. awwwww, isn't that awful. Maybe they need to riot like their crackpot bretheren in Beit Shemesh, to molify their hurt feelings.
This is still the USA. Those innoccuous billboards don't bother anybody else riding on the BQE except the fardreyte chasidim. So if you don't like what you see, move the hell out ! The idiots in Beit Shemesh will welcome you with open arms.


This is terrible, we should boycott them. No one watch the show.


Anonymous; You should be ashamed of yourself. Does your wife know about this? I wonder what your children will say when they grow up and find out about you? They will not even wste their spit on your grave.


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