
Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Rabbi Levin says: JUST SAY NO!! to Simcha Felder for State Senate 

Can someone please remind Levin (not a Rabbi) that it's Elul by him too. He will give Din V'Cheshbon one day, he will rot in the deepest depths of hell and never come out!!


Rav Levin is over the top and is not representative of most of the community's beliefs. I wish that you would not give him a forum. Vote Simcha, of all the candidates, he will be your best advocate.


Look in the man's eyes. They are dead inside. No passion. Nothing. What is worse than what he is saying about a fellow Yid is the fact that you know he doesn't mean a word of it at all. He even has a scrip showing. God help him and all evil people that put on beards to look pious. There is no place in the real world for people like him. Hashem Yirachiem.

As for the content of his slander, people who want to actually get into office have to care about all their constituents. Not just the ones that they feel are the biggest tzaddikim. Levin seems to believe that the world is full of only people who do good deeds. This is clearly not the case.


Screw Levin and his lunatic platform.


What do the Rabbonim say? I bet all the "Councils" will send home Tzetlach to vote for Simcha. I'm sure it's been arranged.


Felder might be good, but the way he is advertising is that pretty much, everything will fall apart without him.


Levin needs to seriously lose weight - does anyone agree?


levin ran several times for office. never won. ever. so he takes out his frustration on Simcha - one of the best we've ever had,

pls stop giving levin a platform.


Does anyone know if Yehuda Levin is married?


Instead of attacking Rabbi Levin, why don't answer the valid points he is bringing up? Rabbi Levin is the lone voice in the wilderness. Wake up you all!!


The Rabbi has needs to understand that he is the biggest walking talking chilul hashem and bal tava out there .he claims to represent the rabanem of yesteryear he looks worse then fat truck driver cant keep his shirt clean always untucked beard and hair unkept he makes obesed people look small. I dont think this is a man Rav avigdor miller who looked & kept himself like a kodesh would have representing him.


rabbi levin stop talking on radio show so prust. Anyone any age can licten. cristina quinn would not talk as prust as you in public.


this big fat piece of CHILUL HASHEM gives frum jews a bad name,
this criminally insane pathetic idiot,needs to get a job
he speaks for nobody but himself,
this jerk must be completely ignored,why give him a platform,
,for the last 20 yrs this
guy is busy with everything and anything that has to do with deviancy and sex
guys like this you gotta be very carefull,a lot of times you find out at the end of the day,that these guys are the biggest MENAVULIM themselves
and to prove to you how crazy this guy is,this piece of work was the campaign manager for Pat Buchanan when he ran for president
SOMEONE PLEASE PLEASE give him a 9 to 5 job


Biggest Menuval!!!


Ah B"H we have a new Nuchem Rosenberg, Does he have a hotline?


Enough with this bulvan already!


LEVIN IS RIGHT!!! We should all vote for Dr. Kendall Stewart - the black, anti-semetic, scandal-racked individual who will surely unite and improve the lives of all us Brooklynites...yeah that makes loads of sense. LEVIN FOR PRESIDENT!


Hope Miamonides has a bed for this Menuval


why dont we ask levin why he is helping a wife beater and abuser? is it because he gets paid by him? he is the same scum as any other politician! VOTE FOR SIMCHA!!!


nuchem rosenberg junoir?


thanks for puting a smile on my face........the frum Jon Stewart


Levin is an erlicher yid who speaks the truth. He is there to helpanyone in need.


LOL!! Simcha felder brought Christene Quinn to Bais yaakov??
Was she hitting on the girls?!!
Thanks for a god laugh!


Guys, take it easy on Levin he serves a purpose. Not that Lipa has been banned we need some form of entertainment.


Rabbi Levin,
A very simple question.
Who is your moreh derech TODAY?

And don't pass yourself off as a modern Pinchus. Pinchus went looking for a spear when he saw a cause. You go looking for a cause to use your spear.

Also the way you talk on the radio is not much different than N Rosenberg, so it's interesting how
you see it as shmutz when others say it.

Please address this on your radio show, or is it easier




Rabbi Levin speaks for large numbers of Orthodox Jews, who are fed up with the "Machers" and dealmakers, who are prepared to sell their souls for a mess of political pottage.

Rav Avigdor Miller, ZT"L,a genuine Gadol, supported him warmly and even made a rare public appearance for him at a Succos Rally, when Levin was running for Congress against the leftist Congressman Stephen Solarz.

It is unfortunate that so many Orthodox politicians sell out to the Party to advance their political careers.

Felder sold out to that menuveles Christine Quinn and had the nerve to bring her to Bais Yaakov of Borough park to meet innocent young Yiddishe kinderlach.--Disgusting!

A decent Goy is better than these spineless wimps. Too bad, we can't get Sarah Palin to run in Borough Park.


i love the way he says Out-Lesbian lol


Is Rabbi Levin in favor of anything??? I've seen a few videos of him ranting and raving against all sorts of things. Does he do anything positive? Or does he just kvetch on tape so that he can go home a view the tapes again and again? Does anyone know of any of his accomplishments?


Looks like Levin read Aron from flatbush' comments and wrote some of the next ones himself.

deepthinker and deoderant_user are most probably written by Levin.

Do YOU have a heter for the internet?


This thing calles levin used to be normal.
But that was a long time ago.

What a loser and he knows it.


As I read many of these vicious comment, it strikes so familiar to the lingo I heared from the Felder camp. These are ruthless people and would invoke Elul, Tshuva, Chilul Hashem. I would ask the commentators isn’t it Elul in your neck of the woods? Is this how you express yourself about a fellow individual? Why attack the messenger. If you listen to him clearly, he actually makes a pretty good argument why we should not vote for Felder. Let’s stick to the issues without attacking people.


to anon September 05, 2008 3:33 AM

this is likely another comment by Levin himself. In any case I am sure Rabbi Levin is reading this.

Dear Rabbi Levin,

No, I/we are not from Felders' camp and your 'lingo' is even worse than his/theirs (listened to your show lately?). Your radio shows' only purpose is to be provocative which has worked for a while, but it is starting to bore the listeners. 'eitza tova', get off your soapbox and start accepting callers if you want to keep your listening audience.

Anyhow, as far as I know, Simcha has done plenty for the community. wether he is right or wrong on one particular issue, for you Rabbi Levin to tear him down on your one-track minded platform in my humble opinion makes more of a chilul hashem than a kidush hashem. It's elul for you too, Rabbi. How about sitting down with him or writing him a letter w/o smearing him on the INTERNET so that all the gentiles of the world can laugh at our dirty laundry.

also, as another commentator wrote, do you realize that by knocking Felder you are giving the nod to someone who may have zero interest in our community needs?


His obseesion with homosexuality is a little like he is hiding something. What happened during those long nights in the Lakewood dorms?

Forgive yourself Rabbi Levin.


Rabbi Levin I am not familiar. But I have great respect for you now.
Simcha is just another typical hack/macher/politician who will do anything with other peoples money/taxes all in the name of helping yidden $$$. In the end, no good comes out of these forkrumte zachen, with a huge chillel hashem to boot.


Would anyone please give me a list of all the good things Simcha Felder has accomplished for Borough Park?


This is what simcha has accomplished for our commnity.

1)18% proprty tax increase
2)Ticket Blitz in BP
3)11% Water price increase
4)Non Jewish housing project in BP
5)Doubling the price of tickets
6)In favor of the congestion tax
7)Endorsed Obama in the primary

Can you imagine what life would be without Simcah.


Simcha Felder actually endorsed Obama?

Has he lost his mind?

Rebono Shel Olam, is there anyone in our community so stupid as to favor Obama over McCain?


Pls tell this guy that no-one in the frum community looks up to any goy as a role model. Boruch Hashem we have great Rabbanim that our children can look up to. With that said, Levin needs to understand that for the good of the whole community, we need to be diplomatic with ALL elected officials regardless of their personal choices. Simcha has worked very hard with pple from all backgrounds and bc of this hard work we the community as a whole have been fortuante to get services that would be squandered elsewhere. Levin needs to understand that needs of the Klal, and they are constantly growing, go before his own political aspirations.


To the poster that has a problem with Simcha endorsing Obama.

B/4 you make a comment like that you need to understand that we live in NY and that there is no chance for McCain to win NY. So there is nothing wrong with Simcha's endorsement.


He voted for Obama in the primary when Clinton won.


Anonymous : September 08, 2008 10:31 AM

You say that there is no chance for McCain to win New York? I ask you, for whom are you voting?


Felder is a rosha. He is a spineless wimp and does not speak for us. The Democrat Party is a bunch of God-hating, pro-Palestinian, leftist, pro-tax, communist fools, and this schmuck even brings lesbians into the midst of Machane Yisroel. Rav Miller, zt'l, one of the greatest baalei mussar, is 100% correct- a frum yid CAN NOT vote Democratic under any means.


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