
Friday, November 21, 2008

Jew-elry thief 

Cops are on the hunt for what they described as a Hasidic woman who snatched two sets of earrings from a Lee Avenue jewelry shop on Nov. 11.

The crook snatched the gold and diamond trinkets — which are valued at about $1,400 — at around 4:10 pm, then fled from the shop, which is between Hooper and Hewes streets.


jew-lery?? maybe it was gold-stein or silver-stein who did it!!-thats the most anti-semitic report ive seen


is this the same guy wearing a nice spitzel


I feel bad for the people that seem to think that they have to resort to theft in order to "keep up with the Jones's". Who knows? Perhaps she has a son who is in the parsha and she can't afford to get his prospective kallah anything. In these economic times, it's so sad that peolpe feel the need to commit crimes in order to live according to someone else's standards.

it's even worse that someone jewish, or even DRESSED as a frum chassidish woman, should commit such a crime.


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